"Class 2-A"

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Earlier that day...

"Can you believe it?!" We're really quite famous now! Hagakure cheered as they await their homeroom teacher

"I know right! We've really come a long way!" Kirishima hardened his arms in celebration

"But do we really have to study for another 2 years? I mean we fought in a war and all" Kaminari complained

"You've been complaining about that for a week now" Jirou chuckled "You're just afraid to fail an exam again Kaminari"

"Hey!!... Well I guess that's true"

"Yeah what's that about? Aren't we pros now?" Mina asked visibly disappointment

Iida interrupted "Even though we contributed to the victory over the last war we still have a lot to learn as heroes"

"We must do our best to make sure this sort of disaster does not happen" he added chopping the air to pieces


"Iida sure is fired up ribbit" Asui remarked observing their former class rep

"All of us are Tsu!" Ochako smiled at her classmate "Everyone's rooting for us you know!"

"Especially for Deku!" She glanced at Deku who's sitting at his desk reading his notebook. She decided to approach him

"Hey Deku!" Ochako greeted

"Oh hi Uraraka!"

"What are you reading there?" She smiled at him taking a chair and sitting beside him

"Oh uhmm just some notes on what I should improve with my quirks" He rubbed the back of his head, lightly blushing

"Notes? What do you need to improve your quirks for?"

"well... even though I can use all my quirks doesn't mean I can control it perfectly you know" he explained "I mean I'm still at 45% of my power, and I can't exactly relay on Fa jin that much. My reflex and stamina should improve so it wouldn't hurt much when my danger sense activates. I don't really have a problem with smokescreen. Blackwhip still hurts the more power I use... Well most of all the second users meta-ability needs some work as well last time I used it took a toll on my body even as a last resort I need to minimize the power like the rest of my quirks... blablablablablablablaba" He mumbled for a few good minutes, Ochako only smiled and listened to him

"He sure is fired up huh" she thought staring at him "Still the same old Deku I fell in love with"

"Oh sorry Uraraka, I must have bored you there huh"

"I don't mind!" she smiled

"But if you ask me... I think you're already amazing Deku!" She cheerfully replied making Deku blush slightly

 I think you're already amazing Deku!" She cheerfully replied making Deku blush slightly

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