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"Melissa! Wake up! Wake up!" Hagakure shook her unconscious friend, seconds later she slowly opened her eyes and saw she was safe

"Thank God you're okay" She sighed in relief "Good thing we got you to Katsuma in time"

"Hey Big sis All for one beat you up pretty bad, good thing my cell activation managed to close up and heal your severed arteries" the young man remarked Katsuma Shimano, the kid the late hero Deku saved from the villain Nine in Nabu Island. Before the death of Izuku Midoriya, he applied in UA to study as a hero.

"W-what happened... where am I, how did I get here?" Melissa asked

"Camie, Momo, Ojiro and I rescued you from All for One... You're the only one who survived everyone else were pulverized..." She replied trying to hold her tears "We're in a building in USJ right now"

"How did you manage to survive Melissa?"

The blonde's eyes widened by the news... "It all happened fast... I remember getting caught in the powerful explosion"

"I think he used Eri's quirk to rewind me to when I was alive... Where are Momo and Camie?" She asked

"They didn't take the news of both Todoroki and Bakugo's death very well..." Toru stated "They're with their kids right now"

"How about Ransu and Najiro..." Melissa asked Ransu Iida's parents Tenya and Mei, Najiro Kirishima's parents Eijiro and Mina were all caught in the explosion

"With the Shinsos... Both kids were already informed about what happened to their parents."

"They took the news pretty well, Najiro on the other hand... not so well" Mrs. Shinso walked in

"Reiko, how are you?" Hagakure asked "I heard you and the others had an encounter with Kurogiri and Toga?"

"Some of us almost got caught by the fog, good thing Hitoshi used his binding cloths to get us out."

"How's Hitoshi by the way?" Toru asked "Was Katsuma able to save his voice?"

"No... he was able to heal my husband's other injuries but his vocal cords we're damaged pretty bad by our fight with Toga" Reiko remarks "H-he physically cannot use his brainwashing now..."

"He's comforting Najiro right now..." Reiko Yanagi Shinso former Class 1B student in UA, one of the only former Class 1B members left besides Kendo and Monoma

"Melissa right?" Reiko called "Do you think that plan of yours will work? Will Midoriya's children succeed"

"I hope so... God I hope so"


"Hey boss how was it?" Toga asked "Did you kill Izuku's kids?"

"I wasn't able to, the daughter of the late Dave shield interfered" AFO clenched his fists out of anger "However, I was able to kill both the no. 1 and no.2 heroes"

"Not before I stole their quirks of course..." He uttered manifesting the explosion quirk in one hand and hell fire on the other"

"Did you succeed in capturing the brat with the brain washing quirk?"

"Well... we failed on that front master, that guy Shinso used binding cloths to escape my cloud quirk"

"Not to worry boss I slashed his neck so he won't be able to use his quirk anytime soon" Toga assured

"Unfortunately, now that Midoriya's children escaped I will require Shinso's brainwashing to find out where Shield sent them"

"I must admit... interrogation proved to be pointless, they are resilient even the quirkless..." AFO expressed his frustration on the matter, suddenly he fell to his knees

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