Chapter 13

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 The week went by pretty fast. Mom has been helping me with breathing exercises and shielding better, apparently I'm throwing out my energy a lot.

Practice fighting drills, it's exhausting but they're showing me the difference between just taking a class and actually using it, apparently I didn't know shit.

We went out to the woods at night in skin form and basically ran around while I practiced defending myself. I was so sore but it was worth it.

During one training night while sparing with Ryker I kinda got a little carried away and I shifted into a wolf. Ryker and Alec had to shift to keep from attacking the others.

It started out as a real fight, well to my wolf part of me at least I thought it was a fight, but it was a dominance thing.

Apparently we're all dominant, good to know.

There is so much shit to keep track of, I feel like one day my mind is going to rupture from too much information.


In the meanwhile run time.

I took off and they chased me. You can't run like this in skin form I would kill myself but like this, your body moving like fluid, bobbing, weaving and leaping.

We made it all the way to the stream, so I stopped to take a drink.

I smelled something, looking at Ryker and Alec they said "deer" at the same time.

We followed it down the stream, we chased it and they told me how to take it down. Biting at its rear legs enough to make it stumble, they let me make the kill.

I sank my teeth into its throat, blood gushed in my mouth and on my muzzle, it was thick and warm tasting like copper.

I felt its life fade away as it bled out, as I knew it was dead I dropped.

Throwing my head back I howled and Ryker and Alec howled in response.

We ate our prize, then when it was all gone we headed home.

When we got back I shifted by the pool. I was getting way better at it, it still hurt like a mother but hey what can you do.


I dove in the pool and when I surfaced I heard Sahara "so do we all get to go around naked?" she asked.

Everyone was sitting on the deck. Dad looked at mom like he didn't know what to say.

Mom laughed, "don't look at me I dance naked at special ceremonies," she said, "you know me I don't even wear anything under my gowns."

Finally he spoke up, "I understand that being naked is not a sexual thing but can ya keep it to night time so no one accidentally sees you?"

Sahara bounced up and down clapping her hands.

"I hate wearing clothes all the time, thanks Mr P." She said, slipping into the pool.

"Oh, it's happening now,'' dad said, looking unsure.

"Come on dear, we can go inside and watch some TV." mom said, smiling gently at him.

"No, the moon is in four days away and then I probably won't even care. I might as well start getting used to it." he said.

"Well if it gets too uncomfortable for you let me know and we'll go in." she told him.

Alec opted out to make Faith feel more comfortable. Everyone else got naked, even Reece did.

I looked at Reece, "good for you embracing the furry side,'' I said laughing.

After a few seconds Trent joined in.

Mac looked at Hope pleading. She laughed, "ok let's do this," and off came the clothes.

Mom looked at me teasingly "you've created your own little nudist colony."

"I'm sorry I've changed everyone's life so much," I said, getting out of the pool.

"You brought more to our lives," Faith said smiling at Alec, "sure I was pissed at first but now I am very happy."

"It was meant to be." Mom said, agreeing with Faith.

"Ya" Hope said hugging me, "we still love you"

"You can't take the blame for something you have no control over," dad said with love in his eye.

Trent pointed at Reece "and we get to change into something cool and get to be super strong."

Smiling with happy tears I relented. Reece ran over to me and threw me in the pool. And that's how it went for the next hour: a bunch of adults having a water fight.

Four more nights until the full moon. You could feel it coming closer, the anticipation.


Sahara started sleeping in my room, you know sisterhood and all that. She feels closer to me now that I have a leopard in me. Ryker joined us last night for cuddle sleeping.

When I sleep with Xavier and Nolan, Sahara sleeps with Ryker.

Everyone seems to be happy with the sleeping arrangements.

Its hard to sleep with just the guys because we always end up fucking.

So I talked to Sahara and she became my buffer when I really need sleep. We kind of take turns sleeping in groups or just me and Sahara when Ryker has to leave.


One more night than the full moon.

After we ate we sat around talking about the preparations for the full moon.

They reinforced the cages. Alec asked if Xavier and Nolan could maybe call in a couple of people to help with the shift and Ryker was going to pick up two wolf girls from the airport at midnight.

And Mac's mom and dad will be here for the bears. Mom was leaving to keep her out of harm's way. It was a good plan.

Xavier's friend was only a couple of hours away so he was on his way.


I went for a run, everyone tried to come with me.

"No guys, I want some alone time." I told them

"You can't be alone," Mac pointed out.

"I'm just going to run around the farm, I won't go far out, please I need this."

"Stay close and if anything spooks you or doesn't feel right and I mean anything you get back here." Mac said with fever.

I promise him.

I made it around twice and I smelt him.

I stopped running, pretending to stop to catch my breath. He didn't move. I could feel him watching me. His energy didn't feel bad, not threatening.

"I know you're there," I said to him.

He stepped out of the brush but didn't come closer.

"Who are you?" "What do you want?" I asked him.

"I'm no one important, and I'm just curious about you,'' he said.

"Are you with the people that did this to me?" I asked him

"We're not all bad," he said to me, not answering my question.

"Why don't you come back to the farm and we can have a nice chat more?" I stated.

He smiled at me, it was a really nice, sexy smile.

"Now you know I can't do that," he said.

I took a step forward and he turned and was gone.

I finished running, went back and took a shower.

I didn't tell anyone about my encounter after all he didn't try to hurt me or anything. And I knew if I said anything I would never be permitted to be alone ever again.

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