Chapter 7

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 Claws and teeth, they're ripping into me trying to eat me....

I woke screaming covered in sweat. Tears running down my face. My door burst open. My brothers were the first threw the door. Trent had a bat looking for something to hit.

Then came mom, dad and Faith. Dad came to the bed and sat down. I crawled onto his lap and cried harder. He started rocking me. I needed this. I felt safe for the first in a week.

"It was just a bad dream,'' mom said while rubbing my back. I pulled back from dad shaking my head.

"It's been the same nightmare every night since I got home."

"Sometimes they're chasing me and sometimes I'm cornered with no way out but it ends with me dying."

"I'll make you a pouch to keep the nightmares at bay, you should have told me right away," mom said.

"Thanks mom and sorry guys for waking you.

I'm going to go make a tea, I'm going to be up for a bit. I can give you a sleeping pill to help you sleep." Faith yawned.

"Nope I'm good, not ready to go back to sleep."

"You want company," mom asked.

"No, I'll be fine."

Grabbing a shawl I head to the kitchen. I put the kettle on and went outside. I love nights like this, just me and stars. There was a slight breeze, but it didn't make me feel cold, it felt wonderful.

I dropped the shawl and stepped further into the yard, I closed my eyes and let the breeze wash away the nightmare.

There was something intriguing to my sense, sniffing the air I opened my eyes and turned to go in that direction.The damn kettle went off, I ran inside and turned it off. Coming back outside I headed in that direction and stood at the tree line, waiting to see if I could hear or see anything. I mental shook myself, what the hell was I doing searching in the dark alone and for what. I must be losing my freaking mind. Taking one last look around I went back in the house.

Between these nightmares and whatever that was, I need help. Maybe I'll ask mom about it in the morning. With tea and a book I went to my room. Switching on the lamp I sat on the window seat to read.


Ryker, 5' 11" gray eyes and curly black hair, muscled and tanned. Just stood in the shadows when a dim light came on in her bedroom. Taking a deep breath he could still smell her.

It took everything in him not to go to her earlier when she screamed. And when she walked towards me in her tank top and boxers, looking like heaven.Groaning over his raging hard on. I wanted her to catch me.

I wanted to rip off her clothes and do things to her until she screamed my name. I need to get closer to her. Tomorrow when Alec comes I'm going in there with him.


Mmm... bacon, smiling I jumped out of bed, I was starving.

I heard the boys fighting over a pancake. How is this even possible there in the kitchen?

First last night now this. I head to the kitchen

"Hey kiddo dad" was saying to me as I entered.

Then they all just kind of looked at me as I grabbed bacon and eggs and sat down. Oh my god, I was starving and it tasted so good.

After a few seconds I noticed no one was moving.

"What's wrong?" I said frowning. Faith grabbed my chin then my hand, unraveling my band-aid.

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