Chapter 8

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Dad and Faith fixed my back. They had to reopen the cuts to get the 15 stitches out. They healed into my body.

Mom made me a pouch to help with my nightmares. Mom invited the guys for a swim and barbecue this Saturday.


"So how did your visit go?" Vance asked Ethan.

"I chatted up the reception while I waited. Her injuries aren't life threatening. She lives out on a farm with her family. She hasn't been back to work yet.

I went out to the farm and saw her." Ethan pulled out his phone, scrolled through it then passed it to Vance.

"She's a real looker" he continued, "I wouldn't mind a piece of that ass" Ethan finished saying.

Vance finally looked up.

"I want someone to watch the store and when she goes back to work I want to meet her. I think she would make a perfect addition to me."

"But boss, do you think she is going to leave everything behind?" Ethan asked.

"You leave that to me," Vance pondered while looking back down at the photo. Handing the phone back he told Ethan to send him a copy. Then Ethan left.

Vance opened the photo. After a few minutes he decided she would be his. Vance thought of himself as an irresistibly and very attractive ladies man.

Smiling, he imagined the fun he was going to have convincing her.


The rest of the week was good, no nightmares.

But I was dreaming of running with different animals. When I asked mom she said it was probably just something that made me feel good.

On Friday mom left for a couple of days to help a friend, and said she would be back on Sunday or Monday.

When I woke up the house was so quiet. I threw on a blue bikini with a pair of cut off shorts and french braided my hair out of my face. Happy with my appearance I went to the kitchen. I got a chunk of cheese and a glass of juice. Looking out the window I noticed the barn door wide open.

I chugged my juice, placing the glass in the sink I headed to the barn while munching on the cheese. At this rate I'm going to gain 50lbs before I go back to work. As I approached I could hear them talking.

"This doesn't make any sense,'' Hope was saying while pushing what appeared to be a piece of paper towards dad.

"What doesn't" I ask, stopping to stand between Hope and Faith.

Hope took my left hand. With a frown she told me my blood test finally came back.

My stomach dropped, I wished I hadn't eaten that chunk of cheese.

"These 4 look like animal strains" dad said pointing at them.

Still holding Hope's hand I reached for Faith, she took my other hand. My pulse began to racing and I was having a hard time breathing. I was having a panic attack again. I fell to my knee with a stabbing pain in my stomach taking my sisters with me. Something close to rage filled me.

I screamed when it felt like every bone in my hands was moving. They screamed along with me.

Reece and Trent grabbed me to pull me away from my sisters, I slashed at them. Dad was standing in front of me with his hand out trying to calm me down. I could smell blood. I wanted it.

I grabbed dad. With his other hand he stabbed me with a needle. Everything started to fade then I hit the ground.


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