Chapter 2

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The alley that takes me to my car smells disgusting like something had died in it, it was dark, a dim light here and there with noises that sounded like a raccoon was in a garbage can. A fat rat scurried across my path, damn thing scared the shit out of me.

My heart pounding I looked down watching for the rat as I left the alley and not paying attention to my surroundings. I walked straight into someone. Mumbling my apologies while I step to the left of him. He stepped with me.

Excusing myself I tried to move to the right of him, he followed me again.

As I looked up I realized he wasn't alone. There were three more guys in a small circle surrounding me. What the hell just kids, ages 14 to 18.

Frowning, I told him to move out of my way. They laughed at me. As I looked back at their leader, the one in front of me smiled, the type of smile that makes your skin crawl.

"What's the big hurry?'' he said." Not answering him I tried to push my way past him. If I could just get to my car. But trying to push past him was like trying to move a tree. "What not good enough for you," he sneered with malice.

Wait, my cell, not answering him, I tried to dial 911.

The one to my right snatched it so fast out of my hand, I never even saw him move. " Nice phone thanks," he said in a happy voice. I turned my head to tell him to give it back.

Leader guy who I now got a better look at rubbed my hair between his fingers, nice hair he said. I slapped his hand away, "don't touch me." I say. He smelled so repugnant, he had tousled dirty blond hair, brown eyes and was smaller than my father. He had this look in his eye that I could not decipher.

He stepped towards me. I automatically stepped back bumping right up against the kid behind me. The kid behind me wrapped his arms around me, I got you baby girl he breathed against my hair. He smelled slightly like the leader, I was trying to get a look at him as I struggled against him.

He breathed me in, "Oh you smell good too", he purred as he rubbed his hardness against my ass.

Fuck me I need to get out of here. I started to fight harder, so he lifted me off my feet. I kicked back connecting with his shin, he grunted and dropped me. The other three laughed. I tried to move away.

"You're going to pay for that bitch", he growled at me as he pulled me back by a handful of my hair.

I tried to scream but he slammed his hand so fast on my mouth. I could taste something metallic instantly, blood so he definitely split my lip.

I whimpered when he twisted my hair so hard it brought tears to my eyes.

"Make noise for me" he growled while grinding himself harder on me.

I want to play too, the leader said.

My heart was racing and the blood was pumping in my ears. I elbowed the guy hard in the gut. He let me go with a grunt, his buddies laughed.

I leaned forward and punched the leader in the balls, he grabbed his balls groaning as he fell to the ground.

Surprising them I tried to jump over the leader on the ground and make a run for it. As I jump I feel a sharp pain slicing down my back. It hurt like a mother, but I knew this would be my only chance to get away.

Phone thief noticed faster than I hoped and slashed at my arm, cutting me. I didn't care, I needed to move. I hear growling, I don't remember seeing a dog. I shake that thought because I have to keep moving.

I went left and forward away from the thug to the right. Two things happened: a thug on the ground grabbed my ankle, piercing it with something and the dog bit my left hand. Dog, where did that come from I think quickly.

I yanked my hand free.

Screaming as I fell to the ground left of the scummy leader, I hit my right eye hard. That's gonna leave a mark.

Blurry and out of focus, all I could do is lay there groaning in pain trying to stay awake.

Within seconds they pounced on me. Holding me by my wrists and the leader moving to put his weight on top of me, I was seeing stars. As my life flashes before my eyes, darkness overcomes me.

I woke to one of the thugs trying to rip my jeans off, thats when I realized these guys were going to rape me, and there was no way I was going down without a fight. As I get an enormous amount of energy to fight for my life that's when I heard it.

A shotgun blast ripped through the air. Someone screamed, they jumped off me and ran away.

I looked up thinking what new hell was this.

It was Hank and Steve.

Hank owned the army surplus store next door to me. Steve was his best friend. Hank has an average height and build. Unruly blonde hair blue/gray eyes a mustache and goatee. Always made me laugh with his crazy Hawaiian shirts he wore. But a heart of gold.

Steve was tall and lanky. With a buzz cut and green eyes.

Hank felt around my injuries. "Joy stay still, let me look at you" then yelled at Steve to call 911.

Swallowing the pain, "Hank no" as the burning pain erupts through me"take sister", I choked out "Clinic", wow it hurt to talk.

Hank ran his fingers through his hair as I reached for his arm.


"Grab the truck", Hank threw his keys to Steve. Then Steve was gone.

I must have closed my eyes. Hank said something, blinking them open. Hank was bent over me. "I'm sorry" he said as he picked me up to put me in the truck. I screamed at the pain that coursed through my body then all was black again.

word count: 1041 

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