Chapter 12

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The next day we relaxed by the pool. I was sitting in front of Xavier while he rubbed my shoulders, resting my feet in Nolans lap with Saharas head in my lap when Ryker pulled in.

He stopped by the edge of the blanket where we lounged.

"Can you explain to me why you would willingly get scratched?" He demanded.

"Here take my spot," Sahara said to Ryker moving over.

Xavier and Nolan stayed very still. I patted my lap, "I will explain."

I watched the different emotions cross his face before they were gone.

"I have a free lap as well,'' Sahara said to him, smiling. I smiled. I couldn't help myself.

"Think of it as a pile of puppies and kittens," Nolan said.

"Fuck you" he told Nolan, "I'm trying to be okay with all this," he said looking at me, continuing, "you would be ok with me and Sahara?" he questioned.

I sat up crossing my legs Indian style. "Do you think she is sexy?" I asked him.

He looked at Sahara then to me, "are you trying to trick me?" Ryker asked. I shook my head no.

After a few minutes.

He sat down between me and Sahara not touching either of us. I turned to him.

"I have a lot of shit going on inside me right now and I'm doing my best to sort it out." I said.

"I have an overwhelming need to share the love," I was saying as I moved towards him while I looked at Sahara.

With Sahara on the other side mirroring me we lifted his shirt over his head.

He sat very still as we touched him, then he closed his eyes. It was nothing sexual, just comforting.

Hugging him we rubbed our faces on him, with a sigh he finally relaxed.

"We're all consenting adults." I continued, why complicate things?''

"I miss having a pack around," he said wistfully.

"Let us be your pack," I said to him as we all hugged him.

After all the cuddles I jumped up, "let's swim," I said laughing trying to pull everyone to their feet.

So we jumped in the pool acting like kids while we played in the water.


"She's really good with people." Alec commented as he approached Jenni.

"Yes, she is going to make a good leader." Jenni said watching.

"What do you mean, are you having visions?'' he asked curiously.

She shrugged while still watching us, "not sure yet."

"Let me know if you figure it out," Alec said.

"Why don't you guys go join them for some pack time?" Jenni smiled, "lunch is almost ready."

Alec laughed, "you got to let us help pay for all this food you're feeding all of us."

"We have more than enough cattle out in the field to feed you all, besides we're rich." she winked at him.

Laughing, they went to join the others.


"Do you actually work anymore?" I asked Alec.

"I took two weeks off and in a few days Mac will be off for two weeks as well." he said.

"With a whole family about to turn 'he shrugged' it's all hands on deck." he said.

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