Chapter 4

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Joy woke face down and groggy.

The pain hit me like a freight train slamming into me at full throttle, reminding me of everything that happened. Licking my lips hurt and I couldn't open my one eye.

I was receiving fluids by intravenous and monitor to track my vitals. I was alive, hurray for me.

Hearing voices I tried to move my head, that was a big mistake. I groaned, holy hell make it stop.

The room was silent then erupted with so much noise, hurting my head.

Everyone is asking what happened. Who did it? Did you get a good look at them? My head started to spin. Before I could say anything, Faith told everyone "enough" in her doctor voice and that I needed rest. She must have given me a shot of something. I started to feel all fuzzy so I stopped fighting the pull of darkness.


I awoke slowly, not knowing how much time had passed. Mom was sitting there holding my hand. I must have moved because she whispered "hey baby everyones here."

I tried to look at her but remembered my right eye was still swollen shut. Her chair scraped the floor then she was sitting where I could see her.

"That's better," she said while smiling at me.

I tried to say, "water please."

Dad came over and kissed me on the side of my head as he gave me a drink. Spilling water in this position, "it would be easier if I could sit up."

Faith said I had stitches in my back and had to be careful. Taking it slowly I tried to push myself up but it hurt to use my right arm too much. Straightening my left arm and clenching my teeth, I tried to roll. I was crazy in pain by the time I was laying on my side.

Breathing heavy and starting to sweat I closed my good eye.

Then dad was behind me gently holding me still. "When you're ready I will help to roll you slowly to your back," he said.

Not bothering to open my eye, I told him "let's do this."

Gentle as he could be while he lowered me to my back.

As my back touched the gurney, where the stitches were I hissed out "son of a bitch." I layed completely still with my eyes closed, trying to learn how to breathe again.

I finally opened my one eye to see mom and dad staring lovingly at me.

I was trying to figure out how I was going to get in the upright position when the head of the gurney started to rise slowly. She only raised a quarter of the way but damn that hurt. I slammed my one eye shut waiting for the pain to slow. I finally opened my eye and looked around and everyone was watching me. I must have looked worse than I thought. That's when I noticed the officer.

Hope was crying and the boys looked pale but pissed. I looked toward my dad, he turned away but not before I saw the tear roll down his check. Mom was a little shaky. She whispered "what have they done to you little one," as she placed her hand on my good cheek.

They all came forward to touch me. It made me sad to look at their faces.

So I said the first thing that came to mind.

"Ma, I'm as tall as you and I'm going to be fine once I heal." I told her.

Once the mood was lighter Faith stepped closer and introduced Officer Roberts. While everyone got comfortable, officer Roberts with notepad in hand came forward.

"Can I ask you a few questions" he asked?

I nodded, then groaned and said "yes."

He started by asking if I remembered what happened tonight.

Starting to nod, then changing my mind, I said "yes." Then he asks what happened. I explained taking another drink of my water. After he was done with his questions, he said good night and he left.

I talked with my family a little more. Faith came to me with another shot of antibiotics and something for pain. Then she told everyone to go home so I could rest and that I will be home tomorrow.

Mom refused to leave, so Faith gave up and let her stay.

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