Chapter 3

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Officer Benjamin MacKenzie ( Mac to his friends). He was a bulkier guy, muscular, not fat and good looking.

At 6 foot 2 inches tall with short strawberry blonde hair and gray eyes.

Every full moon he became a big grizzly bear.

He was just heading out the door to meet his dad and mom to shape-shift, when the police scanner came to life.

Possible 245 in progress (assault with a deadly weapon).

Stopping him in his tracks to hear more. Foreboding feeling came over him.

Female victim was brought to Beck and Penner Clinic. Now why would they bring her there?

Officer Dale Roberts took the call. Dale knew I turned furry. He saw me turn when we were 14. He came camping with me and my dad.

We've Been best friends since grade one. And after high school, we joined the police academy together. Later when Dale's marriage didn't work out I let him move in with me.

Grabbing my cell I locked the door and left the house, knowing he'll call me if something funky came up.


Officer Dale Roberts exited his vehicle and approached the building. It was a nice old building.

Hank and Steve appeared when I approached the front door.

I shook his hand, "Evening Hank, what are you doing here?"

I knew Hank from the army and outdoor surplus store. I bought my hunting, camping and fishing supplies from him.

"It's my neighbor Joy, she was jumped by 4 little bastards in the back parking lot," Hank said while running his hand through his hair.

"Why did you bring her here and not call an ambulance?" I questioned him.

Frowning Hank told me how she asked him to bring her to her sister the doctor before she passed out.

"OK, so what happened?"

Hank opened the door, "let's go inside and I will tell you everything I know up until this point."

While walking back to where Joy was, Hank explained how he scared them off by shooting at them with a bean bag round. Legal to own and use on animals not so much humans.

"You shot at them."

"They were trying to rape and kill her, I needed to do something" Hank blurt out. By this point we were standing at the door where Joy was.

"Hank, you can't just shoot someone."

"I know", he said deflating from his outburst.

Hank knocked and opened the door, sticking his head in whispering to someone. A few seconds later, out walked Dr. Penner.

"How is she doing?" he inquired.

With a smile that didn't reach her eyes, "she's stable," Doc told him. He nodded.

Turning the doctor headed back into the room. Looking from Dr. Penner back to Hank, "I'm not done with you, wait here." I said.

Flopping onto the chair outside the door he nodded again. I turned and followed the doc.

The doctor approached the gurney where another woman stood.

Wiping her face the other women turned around.

She was identical to the doctor.

With a pissed look on her face she grabbed at me like a cobra snatching its prey.

"You're going to catch these bastards, right?'' she begged me.

The doctor pulled her off me and sat her down on the nearest chair.

"Dr. Penner has your sister say anything about what happened tonight."

"Call me Faith please'' she said, then she continued.

"I talked to her at 8:30 and she was heading here to pick Hope and myself up. Hank showed up with her. I've kept her medicated while we worked on her."

Now I really looked at her then asked her about each injury. She spoke as she pointed to Joys face. She has lacerations above her eye and her lip is swollen.

"Do all the cuts look like this one?" I interrupted her and pointed at Joy's arm.

Frowning and moving towards her right arm, "yes but not as deep as her back, these cuts are weird I can't figure what made them," she said thoughtfully.

Four perfectly even cuts went down her back as well. Shit, I thought I needed to call Mac.

"She has a dog bite on her left hand and puncture marks on her left ankle," she finished.

Double shit another were-animal attack.

"Was she raped?" Dale asked.

Faith shook her head no.

"When do you expect her to wake up?" Dale asked.

Looking back down at her sister, "not for a while" she said, placing her hand on her shoulder. I excused myself for a second to use my cell. As I turned the door flew open.

Three linebackers walked in led by this tiny little lady. I knew right away this was her family.

I excused myself one last time, giving them time with their daughter promising to return.

Stepping out front of the clinic for some privacy I called Mac.

Mac answered on the first ring. Without saying hello, he asked what was wrong. I explained quickly. Mac agreed and said he

would touch base with me later, then he hung up.

Going back inside to talk to her family, answering what questions I could.

I asked Hank to take me to the crime scene.

Then I told the family I would be back.


I pulled in front of the book store behind Hank's truck. Getting out of my squad car I followed Hank down the alley. The lightning wasn't that great back here. Using my flash light I found her bag, so it wasn't a robbery. Her bag was still there and what I can tell at the moment along with all of her things.

I asked Hank if there were any cameras back here.

"No, but there will be after tonight." Hank said.

The bean bag was a couple of feet away.

Standing up as I look around, stopping on the bean bag.

Rubbing the back of my neck I knew I had to call it in and get someone down to collect the evidence.

There wasn't much to see.

Damn I hate this.

Making my way to Hank, I stated "I don't know if you hit anyone, I will have to check with the hospital for sure." I knew there wouldn't be anyone at the hospital, this is definitely a shifter style crime. But I had to tell him something.

He's really lucky they ran off. This could have been so much worse. The three of them could be dead right now.

I told Hank not to go back over there or touch his truck, that I was going to call it in. I remembered his clothes, there going to take your clothes into evidence, then walk away.

Hank was complaining about it being his favorite shirt as I rounded the corner.

Once the techs showed up. I told them I was heading back to the victim and I needed them to head there next. Then I left.

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