Chapter 14: First word

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Author's note: almost the end of the book y'all and a bit of sad scenes

A year later...

Peter's POV:
It's been almost a year since Aberl was born. He's been learning how to crawl and beginning to stand up. We've been also trying to teach him how to speak. Andy was out, getting groceries while me and Dei were babysitting Aberl. "C'mon Aberl, say auntie." "No, say dada." Me and my sister have been trying to get Aberl to atleast say our names or something. He's a bit stubborn. "C'mon Aberl, say mama atleast." I kept trying to get him to speak but no use. "How about another day bro? I don't think he's ready." Dei said. "Of course he is. He's just having a bit of trouble. That's all." I said. "Yh right. If he could speak, he can atleast say fuck since that's your favorite cuss word." Dei said. "Shut the fuck up Dei. Don't say that around-" "fuck" We both turned to Aberl. "Did he just say-" "fuck." "Oh no, no no no no, we're screwed if Andy hears him say that around the house." We both heard the door open. "Hey everyone, I'm home." We both turned to see Andy. Wrong timing. "Mama!!!" We all looked at Aberl. Atleast he didn't say the other word. Andy ran to him and picked him up. "My baby just said his first word." He hugged him while we sighed of relief. "At least we're safe Peter." Dei whispered to me. "Yeah, you're-" "Fuck." We froze as soon as he said that. Andy looked at Aberl and then at us. "Which one of you taught him to stay that...." He sounded mad. "Um, IT WAS PETER!!" Dei pointed her fingers at me. "Oh hell no, YOU SAID IT FIRST DEI!!!" We saw Andy make his way upstairs with Aberl in his arms. We waited for a few minutes and he came back. "Imma go get Margaret, move from here and I'm not sparing you..." We both froze as a pair of statues and waited for him to return. He came back with Margaret. "Margaret, I need you to take care of Aberl while we're gone. He's upstairs playing with his toys." She nodded and went upstairs. He looked back at us. "Let's play a game of tag. You both go running and pray that I won't find you..." He said in a sadistic tone. "Dei, we better-" I looked back and it turns out that she flew away already. "HEY COME BACK!!!" I started running out of the house.

A few hours later...

Andy's POV:
I was busy feeding Aberl while Dei patched up Peter. They should have watch what they were saying. Atleast Dei wasn't dead when I threw my axe at her. It hit her wing, and she fell to the ground. I think that was a good punishment for her. Peter got himself a bruised cheek and a black eye. Atleast Peter taught him to say my name atleast. "Peter, you're sleeping on the couch tonight..." I said. Peter looked a bit upset at what I said. He should have seen it coming. "C'mon Andy, let him sleep with you, it was my fault that I taught Aberl that word." Dei tried to convince me but it was no use. As we finished eating, we went to bed. Dei already set up the couch for Peter (poor guy). I put Aberl to sleep and went to bed myself. It felt a bit lonely in the bed without Peter.

Next morning...

Andy's POV:
I woke up and went to check on how Aberl was doing. He wasn't there. I was panicking. Did someone take my baby or what? I ran to Dei's room and opened the door. She was busy sleeping but I shook her awake. "What's the matter Andy?" "Aberl gone..." She stood up. "The fuck- who would take him?" Dei asked. "I don't know but we gotta wake up Peter and tell him." Dei went out of her room and went downstairs. I followed behind her but I stopped when she started looking around for Peter. "Peter isn't here..." "Where the hell would he be? Do you think he already-" We heard someone opened the door. It was Peter with Aberl in his arms. I made my way over to him. "Oh god, Peter, where did you find him?" I asked. Peter looked a bit confused. "What do you mean find him? I just took him out for a walk. I left a note on the counter." I sighed in relief. Dei picked up the note from the counter. "Here's the note. You should have told us tho. We were actually worried that someone might of took him." Dei said a bit concerned. "I would of told Andy but I thought he was still mad at me from yesterday. Also, you would of forgotten even if I told you. Anyway, no one would be able to steal my son with me around." I looked down for what he said about me being mad at him still. It was lonely last night and we could of avoided all of this if I didn't overreacted yesterday. "I guess this is sort of my fault..." I mumbled. "What do you mean Andy?" Dei asked. "Well, Peter would of told me he was taking Aberl for a walk but I hurt him yesterday and made him think I was still mad at him. I feel bad that I was responsible for this little incident." I couldn't help but let a tear fall across my cheek. I felt Peter wiped it away. "Hey, we all get carried away sometimes but it's not okay to blame yourself for all of this." Peter hugged me. I felt a bit better after what he said. "We all make mistakes and we must learn from them." Dei nodded in agreement. "How about we go over to Margaret's house? To clear up a bit and talk with her. It's been a while." I gave him a small peck in his lips.

"Sure, let's go"

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