Chapter 5: A problem and solution

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Earlier that day...

Andy's POV:
I was talking with Claus ,Margaret, and Felix about how me and Peter became friends. During the conversation, I couldn't help but notice that Margaret and Claus both weren't comfortable being together after what happened lately. "You guys do know that I'm ok with you guys being together, right?" They looked at me as soon as I said that. "Are you sure?" said Margaret. "I'm sure, and also, I've been catching feelings for a specific someone~" "Is it Dei? She told me she was Ace." Felix said. "Uh no dude, she's 15, remember?" I said. Sometimes, Felix forgets everyone's ages, I don't know why. "Hmmm, wait- is it who I think it is?" Margaret said. I nodded my head. "Hah, I knew you 2 would be able to develop feelings for each other!" Claus said in a happy tone. "Wait, what do you mean both of us would develop feelings?" I asked. "Let's just say a little dragon told us that a specific pumpkin has been developing feelings for you~." I blushed as soon as he said that. "Is Dei telling the truth or just doing a prank? Whatever, I think I'll confess to Peter today" I thought. "Anyways, where's Peter, I want to talk to him." "Hmmm..." Thought Felix, "I think he might be with Melody and Dei..." "Well, I guess we can go greet them right now." We all made our way to picnic area, seeing Peter and Dei arguing. I was gonna call out until "NO, I TOLD YOU MANY TIMES THAT I DON'T LOVE HIM AND I ONLY SEE HIM AS A FRIEND." then he turned around to see me there.

Back to where we left off....

Peter's POV:
As soon as I saw Andy, he started to cry? Wait- please don't tell me that he actually likes me back. Before I could speak, Andy ran into the apple forest with tears running down his face. "Shit, shit shit shit shit shit..." Dei was cursing silently. I didn't know why I didn't go after him. I knew I lost my chance with him. I just lowered my head and went to the barn. I could hear Dei calling out for me to come back and go after Andy but I didn't listen. I went to the barn and made my way in. As soon as I closed the door, I started to break down.

Dei's POV:
"Shit, shit shit shit shit shit..." I was cursing silently to myself. I was gonna say something to Peter but I saw him starting to leave. "WAIT PETER!!! Come back, go after him and clear things up with him, I'm sure you still have a chance with him!!!" I shouted to him. But he didn't turn, he just went to barn. "Fuck, I screwed up..." I thought to myself. "You guys, what are you waiting for??? Go find Andy and comfort him, I'll go after Peter." As everyone went into the apple forest to find Andy, I made my way into the barn. As soon as I went in, I saw Peter crying there. I didn't make any noise, and made my way towards Peter and hugged him. He tried pushing me away but it was no use. "Shhhhh, it's okay Peter, let it all out and then we talk..." We silently sat there for a while. I wonder how the others are doing but I could wish them luck on finding Andy. As soon as Peter stopped crying, I spoke first. "Look brother, I know it was my fault that I kept pushing you into confessing your feelings for Andy and I promise that I'll fix this for you..." Peter looked up at me and smiled. Even if we got on each other's nerves, we still loved each other deep down and try to make each other feel better. After all, it's my job to care for my brother and him to care of me. I helped Peter stand up and made our way into the apple forest to go find Andy. As we made our way into the forest, we found Felix talking with Melody on trying to find Andy. Of course, I knew my brother would be able to find him. I told him to go find him in his entity form and that I'd go tell the others that you'll find him. Of course, he went to find Andy as I made my way to Felix and Melody. "Hey guys, I got Peter to go find Andy, if anyone can track someone down, that's my brother." They both looked pretty unsure but reluctantly agree to come with me. We later found Margaret and Claus, and made our way to the picnic area. It's only a matter of time for Peter to find him.

Peter's POV:
I made my way through the forest to find Andy. I was gonna make this right, for me and for Andy. After a few minutes of searching, I heard someone crying behind an apple blossom tree, and turned out to be Andy. Andy was there sitting down, with his hands covering his eyes. "Andy....." I thought silently. I sat down next to him and felt his gaze land on me. He let out a small shriek but calmed down afterwards. I was gonna say something but Andy spoke first. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be somewhere else?" Welp, he's mad. I don't blame him tho. "Look Andy, I know you're mad at me but hear me out. What I said earlier wasn't true, I do love you Andy, it's that I kept neglecting it because I was afraid that you wouldn't like me back." I said softly. He looked at me with those teary eyes. I couldn't help myself but move a bit closer to him. "I didn't know that you liked me back as well and when I saw you starting to cry as soon as I said that, I knew I wouldn't forgive myself for what I said..." I continued but moved closer to his face. "And I hope that you... could....." Before I knew it, I was kissing him in the lips and holding him by his waist. He put his arms around my neck as we continued to kiss under the blossom apple tree. We pulled away to catch our breaths but we went back to kissing each other until I started licking his teeth for entrance. He slowly opened his mouth and I immediately started getting into action. (The moment y'all been waiting for...) I got on top him and started putting my tongue in his mouth, exploring ever part of it, while grabbing and squeezing his thigh. I heard Andy starting to moan and that turned me on. I pulled away with my tongue out, having a bit of saliva connected to his tongue. I was gonna continue but Andy stopped me. "W- we should get back... the others must be wondering where we are." "Fine...."

"But we'll continue this later~"

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