Chapter 6: A special night~

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Warning: There will be some sensetive content in this chapter, skip if you like to but enjoy

Andy's POV:
I blushed as soon as he said that. Was he actually being serious? "Peter, we just kissed for the first time and two, we only been together for 3 seconds and you're already being horny." I said as we made our way to the picnic area. "Sorry Andy, but I want to make you officially mine~..." I blushed even redder as soon as he said that. "F- fine... We'll do it at my house after everyone leaves and are asleep." I could tell that Peter was excited because as soon as I said that, he grabbed me and put me over his shoulder. "H- HEY!!! PUT ME DOWN PETER!!!" I yelled out loud. "Sorry darling, can't hear you~" He carried me all the way to the picnic area. "Hey everyone!!!" Peter said while holding me. "God, this is embarrassing...." Everyone saw me on Peter's shoulder and wondered if I was okay. Luckily, Dei was there to save me. "Alright Peter, put him down so we can all hug him..." She said in a threatening voice. This isn't gonna end well. "NO!!! THIS IS MY APPLE, YOU CAN'T HAVE HIM!!!" He hissed at Dei. "Well, TOO BAD PETER, NOW PUT HIM DOWN BEFORE I USE THE HOLY WATER ON YOU!!!" She hissed back. "You wouldn't dare...." "I would..."

Still Andy's POV:
We all sat down eating dinner at my house while Dei sat next to a leashed Peter. "Um, Dei, is it necessary to put Peter in a leash while we eat?" said Claus, while drinking his water. "Sorry dude, he brought this to himself and he now has to pay the price." she responded back. "I think he looks sexy in it..." I said out loud. "Wait- what did i just say!?" I saw Claus spit out his water. Margaret covering both Melody's and Felix's ears. Dei looking at me with a traumatized look while Peter gave me a perverted smirk. "Oh really," he said, "I think you would look better in this~." I saw Dei hit him in the back of his head while I hid my face with my hands. "I think I'll take this off and hide it around here..." she mumbled. "Good idea...." choked out Claus. After dinner, we all sat in the couch and turns out we all didn't fit in it. I wasn't able to sit anywhere but Peter grabbed me by the arm and put me on his leg. "I regret what I said earlier, please someone help..." I thought silently. I looked over at Dei but she gave me the "you're on your own" look. We all watched a movie on the TV until I felt Peter rubbing my ass with his leg. "Damnit Peter, let me be in peace T_T" I kept myself quiet throughout the entire movie. We all got sleepy and said our goodbyes as everyone left to their homes. Except Peter and Dei. They said they wanted to have a sleepover here. Sadly, there was only one guest room. "Peter, you're sleeping on the couch, no buts..." said Dei in a serious tone. "Damnit...." Peter mumbled. I'm glad Dei stayed. We all made our way into our rooms and prepared to sleep. I was cleaning my room a bit and squatted down to pick up clothes off the ground. That was my first mistake. I immediately felt Peter put his hands on my waist and rubbed his crotch against my ass. I couldn't help but moan. He turned me around and started to kiss me. I felt him put something around my neck and when I got a chance to look down, I saw it was the same leash Dei put on Peter. "Wait, I thought Dei hid this..." I said. "Dei is never good at hiding things, so now that she's asleep, you're all mine to enjoy~...." "Shit, he's gonna be way too big for me..."

-lemon smut-

Still Andy POV:
Peter immediately pushed me to the bed and started to undress me. I could feel his gaze admiring my small delicate, almost female body. (Andy's queer in this AU and he can get pregnant, not that it's important) He started to kiss my body and I just let him do it. For some reason, I wanted this to continue. He started taking off his clothes and immediately started giving me hickeys and love bites all over my body. I was enjoying this. I looked at Peter and saw him smirking. " He's enjoying this too...." We continued kissing each other, wrapping our tongues together, sharing passionate kisses throughout the night. We kept kissing for half an hour until he shoved me down, and shoved his cock in my mouth. He kept fucking my face until he realized that I couldn't breathe. He pulled me out to let me breathe for a moment. "You alright Andy???" I gave him a small nod and proceeded to suck his dick again. I moaned as I shoved his dick deeper down my throat. I heard him starting to moan silently. I kept sucking his cock until I felt something watery in my mouth. I swallowed some by accident and it tasted sweet? Idk... I looked up at Peter, only to see him holding the leash. I was starting to panic. "What's the matter, apple boy?~" he pulled the leash and it only made me moan louder. I don't know why I reacted like this but it felt right for some reason. He pulled me up and pinned me down the bed. I was wondering what he was gonna do next until I got my answer. I felt his cock rubbing against my pussy. I moaned loudly and he just smiled. He slipped his cock in me and I moaned louder. "F- FUCK!!! Why does he have to have such a big cock!?" He started thrusting into me slowly although it felt amazing. "S- speed up please...~" I asked. "Not yet Andy~" he continued. "Not until you call me Daddy~" I hesitated but I wanted him to go faster. "F- faster daddy~" I mumbled softly. He started going a bit faster. "Come on Andy~ I know you're not satisfied yet...~" I started telling him to go faster and alas he did. He kept going faster and deeper into me. It felt so great but it hurts so much. He kept thrusting into me, not caring that I was moaning so loudly. We kept going at this until I cummed. I felt it as soon as I cummed. He hit my womb. "Fuck..." he said quietly. My thoughts as well but I didn't care and wanted him to continue. Of course, he did and continued having sex throughout the entire night.

Dei's POV:
I could hear Andy moaning all the way across the hall. "Just wait until I get my revenge on you Peter...." I thought to myself while I kept hearing moans and squeaking sounds from the bed.

This was gonna be a long & noisy night...

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