Chapter 10: A honeymoon and lonely dragon

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Andy's POV:
I saw Peter there with a collar and leash in his hand. "Where did you get that?" I asked him. "Dei made this just for the occasion~" Now I could see why they're both relatable. Dirty entities. I got on top of Peter and started kissing him. I could feel his hands around my neck, putting the leash on me. He then put his hands on waist and started rubbing up and down. He immediately turned around and pinned me to the bed. His first move was giving me a few hickeys in my neck. I moaned throughout the entire time he did that. He started taking off his clothes and the started stripping me down. He was admiring every bit of my body. Before I knew it, he started thrusting into me very slowly. "Looks like he's being gentle this time..." He continued thrusting into me, while kissing me. He started to go a bit faster and I started moaning a bit louder. I spreaded my legs a bit and felt him starting to go even faster. He grabbed my wrists and pinned them above the bed. We continued having sex until an idea went through my head. "Hey Peter, why don't we continue doing this in your other form~" He looked at me a bit nervous but proceeded to turn into his other form. This form of his was even bigger than his normal form but I didn't care. This is still the same pumpkin I married. We continued, although it was a bit strange.

A few hours later...

Peter's POV:
I woke up. I had my arm on top of Andy. In fact, my whole body was wrapped around Andy. I checked the time. 4:00 in the morning. I slowly got off the bed and changed. I went downstairs to make myself something to drink when I saw my sister there. "I thought you were sleeping in the barn..." I said. "I was until I felt another demon aura here, I thought it was you but it wasn't, I think it might be your unborn baby..." She explained. "Are you sure sis?" I replied. "Yup, looks like the baby would be like their dad." "I guess." "Also Peter, I was wondering if I could move in with you guys for now. It's kinda lonely in the barn since you left and I don't think I'm ready to be living alone in the barn yet." She mumbled. "Sure sis" I gave her a hug and we both went for our morning walk we usually have around this time.

Andy's POV:
I woke up and checked the time. 7:00 in the morning. I turned around and saw Peter wasn't there. I got up and changed. I made my way downstairs to make myself something to eat. I was craving for some mashed potatoes with cheese, jelly, and a bit of chocolate sauce in it. I started cooking until I heard someone coming through the door. It was Dei and Peter. "Oh hey Andy, whatcha doin?" Asked Dei. Some mashed potatoes with a bit of jelly, cheese, and some chocolate sauce. Want some?" They both looked at me. "I'll have some, wonder if it taste good." Said Dei. (10 minutes later...) "Nevermind, I take it back..." Dei made her way to the bathroom to puke while Peter ate some pancakes and hashbrowns. "More for me" "HEY DEI!!! There's a few pancakes and hashbrowns if you want them." We continued to eat until Dei came back, a bit pale. "How can you eat that Andy? It taste gross..." "I don't know, pregnancy cravings I guess." "Hey um Andy, I uh think our kid is gonna inherit some of my entity form..." Peter mumbled. "Wait really? Guess our baby is gonna be like you." I said smiling a bit. "Whatcha gonna name the baby?" We both looked at each other and thought for a name. "How about Aberl if it's a boy or Ann if it's a girl?" Said Peter. "Not bad, I like it." Dei gave thumbs up for approval. "But what if we have twins you know?" "Good point Andy, but let's stick to those names for now, we'll figure that out later." We continued talking until I felt like puking. I ran to the trash can and started puking. "DAMN THIS PREGNANCY SICKNESS!!!" I heard Dei laughing and I immediately looked at her. Peter gave her a small punch in the shoulder to stop. After I stopped puking, we continued to talk until we saw Dei looking a bit down. "What's wrong Dei? Something in your mind..." I asked. "I think I'll live in the barn, don't want to be a bother to you guys..." Me and Peter looked at her. "Are you sure Dei? You know you can stay here until you feel like living on your own..." Peter said. "I'm sure, I'll visit everyday and see how you guys are doing with the baby. I could help fix up the baby's room if you want." I knew this was gonna be hard for Peter since he's been with her throughout his entire life. I felt bad for them. "If you change your mind, we'll be here for you..." I said. What I said made them feel a bit better. "Thanks Andy, I'll keep that in mind..." We continued hanging out with each other for the rest of day until it was time for Dei to leave. "Hey, you two will visit me right?" We both looked at Dei. "We will, we promise..." Dei went into the barn to sleep for the night. She's officially living on her own now. I hope she'll be alright. I hugged Peter, knowing he was gonna need it.

Life ain't always what you expect it to be...

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