Chapter 9: The wedding

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Melody's POV:
I was the first to wake up. I made my way middle to clean up until I wonder if the others remember what today is. "Hey um guys, isn't the wedding today?" Everyone immediately stood up. "THE WEDDING" Everyone started running around, panicking. "People these days..."

Dei's POV:
I whistled loudly for everyone to hear me. "Alright people, make your way to your homes and get ready. We got a big event happening today!!! Margaret, go alert the boys about today, I'll help Andy get ready." Margaret nodded and made her way to the barn as Melody left to change. "Alright Andy, let's get you in that dress suit."

Peter's POV:
Me and the others were sleeping peacefully until someone barge in. "PETER!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING DOWN THERE!? GET READY FOR YOUR WEDDING ALREADY!!!" Me and the others stood up as soon as she said. The wedding, I forgot all about it. Me and Claus made our way to his house while Felix went to his house. I started changing into the suit Claus made me. "Nervous Peter?" "Yup, very nervous..." I replied. "Don't worry about it, you'll be okay. You get to be married to the love of your life and get to have a kid." He said. I felt a bit better after he said that. We made our way to the arch where Felix and Margaret were waiting for us. "Where's Andy and Dei?" "Don't worry Peter, they just running a bit late, that's all." Margaret said while fixing my tie. I was a bit impatient. I want to see Andy already and kiss him.

Andy's POV:
I was busy admiring the dress suit while Dei changed in the bathroom. I started to get impatient with her taking so long. "Come on Dei!!! The others must be wondering where we are." Dei immediately opened the door. "Then what ya doing there standing? Let's go!!!" Dei grabbed me by the arm and sprinted towards the back door of the barn. I looked around the barn for a bit. This is where I met Peter. "Come on Andy, grab my arm and let's start walking to your future husband." As she opened the barn doors, everyone turned around to see me. I saw Peter looking at me. He smiled softly, knowing that we'll be a family soon. Dei walked me to Peter and put my hand on his. I could see she wanted to cry for me and Peter. She walked beside Peter and Felix started talking. "Peter, Andy, would you like to say your vows for each other?" Peter grabbed my hands and started talking. "Andy, ever since I met you, you brought me joy and happiness into my life that I thought I would never share with anyone. I hope that you and I stay together and love each other until we die." I could see the love in his eyes and I started saying my vows. "Peter, you've been there for me since my worst moments in life and always helped me get through with it. I'm happy to share the rest of my life with you." I said. " Dei, the rings please" Felix said. Dei made her way to us and handed the rings. Peter put the ring on my finger and I put the ring on his finger. "By the power vested in me, I pronounce you two, husband and wife/husband." Peter grabbed me and pull me into a kiss. Everyone started cheering for us. I could see Dei crying, Melody and Margaret were hugging each other for comfort (they're both crying), while Claus stood there clapping. I kissed Peter again on the cheek. I guess we're officially together now. We all started talking with each other and I prepared to throw the flowers back. Margaret caught them obviously. I could feel Peter put his hands around my waist and started kissing my neck. "I guess Peter wants a honeymoon..." "Sorry Peter, lets do it later, for now, let's enjoy the party Dei planned for us." Peter nodded and we made our way to Dei.

~ a few hours later ~

Still Andy's POV:
Everyone went home for the night while me, Peter, and Dei made our way to my house. We all settled down until Peter found the box with the revealing outfit that Dei gave me. "My, my, my~ what do we have here???" Dei immediately looked over and said "if y'all gonna do it now, imma go sleep in the barn..." She grabbed a pillow and blanket and made her way to the barn. I could see Peter looking at me. "Aren't you gonna put it on~" he smirked while saying that. "Fine, but no peeking and be gentle this time, don't want to hurt the baby." I made my way to the bathroom and started changing into it. I looked at myself in the mirror. "I don't look bad in this, I'm actually rocking this outfit..." I made my way out of the bathroom to see Peter there already waiting for me, with a collar and leash in his hands.

Next chapter you dirty sinners (also me)...

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