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'Ok so, you think anyone is cute so far' Kamille asked me as we where walking together to school.
'Cute? I have only spent 4 days here Kamille!' I laughed.

'Yeah Yeah but there has to be a lucky gentleman that had caught thy fair maiden's heart, or is it lies that roll out of my sacred tongue' she recited not sure from where though.
'Ok fine' I admitted since we had already reached the school building.
'There is one person and yeah his pretty cute, charming if I do say so myself and his hair.'I admired the thought
'But, I can't tell you here, I'll tell you during cheer tryouts'I finished
'Yes! Let's make it fair then, when you tell me I will tell you mine' extending her pinkie out
'Fine by me' I locked our pinkies together and we entered school.

'Dude! Did you hear that?' Aaron asked the boy next him.

'Hear what' the dark skinned boy replied genuinely puzzled.
'Nika has a crush and I am 90% sure it's me.' The boy said excited shaking his shorter friend by his shoulders.

'Can you fuel your new found obsession with her later. I need to get a morning nap in Mrs.Smiths'home room' The dark skinned boy said in a groggy tone.
'First off, it's no obsession, second are you good bro.
You've been a little on edge lately'he looked at his friend with pure concern.
'Me? On edge , Nahh. I just didn't get enough sleep last night, see you in there' With that the short dark skinned walked in a hurried pace into the school.
Aaron stared at the spot the boy once was before shrugging and entering the school.'How did I become friends with him?'


We where all sitting in our homeroom classes.
'PSs Freddy are you trying out for any team or club?'
'Yeah actually, I am trying out for the basketball team and you?'

'I have two options, Track and cheer, I just wonder which one I should do.'

'I don't understand, why not do both?'

He had a huge point, after all why tie my self down to one activity.

'You know that's not a bad idea, it's actually a really great idea, thanks'

'What will you do with out me?' he joked.

'Hold your horses Romeo'I laughed.'It was a mere question'

'Whatever Juliet' he winked.

My eyes subconciously rolled around the socket a laugh escaping my lips.


'Hey!' Lucas said jogging up next to me.

'Hey Lucas'

'So I are you trying out for cheer, or-'

'Yeah I am trying out.'I replied.

'Great, i'll be there , umm rooting for you'

'So I have my own personal cheerleader' I mocked

'haha, at least make the team or your cheerleader will be really upset'he sassesd

'oh really?'I joked beginning to walk

'Uhhh y-yeahh' he followed

'.Uhm, there's this thing we do at R.G.M, it's called an opening match, to celebrate the school opening for the year and all, and the start of the season and it might be kinda late right now to do it but whatever. Anyway, I was wondering if you'll come to my practice tomorrow after school.' He breathed out

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