Chapter 29 - Miserable Mistake

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"We are ready, my Lord."

Ravenna hadn't heard them arrive. She jumped at the voice to find a man in a silver and black skeleton-like mask. Behind him, three more men spread out around the perimeter of the mansion.

No – two men and a boy.


"Yes, I had him brought along," the Dark Lord drawled, as the Death Eater stepped away.

"Does he know what we're doing here?" Ravenna's voice cracked as fear took over. This was it. This was where she had to free him. But with three Death Eaters and the darkest wizard in a century surrounding her, what hope did she have of getting him out of here?

She didn't even know if he'd cooperate.

"It doesn't matter. He's only here to make sure you do as I say. These men will have no problem killing the boy on my command, you know."

She gulped. He only gave her two choices: kill the Minister for Magic, Ezra's dad, or let Willem be killed. How was she supposed to make that decision?

"I won't do it," she whispered again. "I'm not killing for you."

"Then you leave me no choice. Wilkes!" He raised his hand and waved over one of the Death Eaters. The man, Wilkes, grabbed Willem by the arm, making him squeal in pain, and pulled him over towards his Lord.

"Oh, hey!" said Willem, his face lighting up. "I knew you'd come!"

"Willem, you've got to go." Her eyes shot from him, to Wilkes, to the Dark Lord and back. How was she going to get him out of here?

"Go?" Willem laughed. "Are you mad? We're making history today. With Harold Minchum out of the way, we can finally change things in the wizarding world. There's no way I'm missing this."

"Out of the way?" Ravenna repeated. "You do realise you're talking about killing Ezra's father?"

Willem's face fell. "Ezra's... What are you talking about?"

"Enough," said the Dark Lord with such command that both the Death Eater and Willem immediately bowed their heads. "I tire of this. You will do what you're told, and you will do it now. Do you understand?"

Ravenna's heart drummed against her chest. She turned around and stood in front of Willem, pushing him backwards. She opened her mouth to decline again, but the words wouldn't come out. Instead, she just shook her head, fishing her wand out of her pocket.

"You would dare to oppose me?" the Dark Lord hissed. "You'll pay for that."

Beside her, Wilkes drew his wand. She pushed Willem further back and positioned herself so that he couldn't hit Willem.

"Ravenna, what are you doing?" Willem squeaked behind her.

"Keeping you safe."

"I am safe! I'm part of them now, remember?"

"They accepted you to get to me, Willem!" she exclaimed. "They'll kill you if I don't do what they say!"

Willem flinched. "That's not true!" He stepped away from her, but the Death Eater's wand followed him, so Ravenna quickly jumped in front of him again. She raised her wand.

"Enough of this!" the Dark Lord spat. "I'll teach you to defy me. Wilkes!"

"Avada Kedavra!"

Her lungs froze. Ravenna pressed her lips together and closed her eyes. This is it. It'll be over soon.

A second ticked by, yet her heart stubbornly kept beating. She was just about to open her eyes, when a thud sounded behind her. Confused, she looked up. The Dark Lord had turned and made his way toward the mansion. She turned around.

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