Chapter 24 - Perfidious Promise

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Your daddy was lucky to survive.

Next time he won't be so lucky.

Do as I say, or we'll finish the job.

Ravenna sat on the toilet lid, staring down at the small strip of parchment in her hand. It looked like it had been ripped off the bottom of a scroll, with the message scribbled down on it in haste. But how had he gotten it inside her pocket?

Bile rose up her throat as she crumpled the note in her hand. She'd been right after all. The Death Eaters were the ones who had attacked her dad. All because of her.

If she hadn't tried to help that woman in Ravengrove, if she hadn't gone to that gathering, Merlin, if she hadn't even met with Alois in the first place, her dad would've been safe. He wouldn't be in the hospital right now, in tremendous pain from the dark magic that had cursed him.

It's all my fault.

Ravenna jumped to her feet, lifted the lid, and chucked the crumpled piece of parchment into the toilet. She flushed and watched it swim around in circles before finally being pulled down into the sewers. Then she leaned with her back against the wall of the stall and squeezed her eyes shut.

What do I do? she thought. What if they come after me next?

The thought sent the bile into her throat and for a moment she thought she was going to hurl. She wanted to talk to someone, ask for help, but who?

Not the teachers – it was much too late for them to help. The most they could do was alert the Ministry, but that would get her arrested, for sure.

Not Dan – she was still mad at him for slipping her a potion without her knowledge.

Not Willem – he'd only try to convince her to join Alois.

Ella, perhaps? She would at least try to help. Not that there was much she could do. Besides, did she really want to scare the girl even more, after everything she'd already been through?

With a final glance down into the toilet, she unlocked the stall and left the bathroom. Her feet felt like lead as she made her way to the dining hall for lunch. The rest of the level five class was already there. Ella waved when she joined them.

"Hey, Ravenna," said Dan. His voice was soft, nowadays. As if he was afraid she'd lose the plot if he spoke too loud. "Where've you been?"

"Toilet," she said, grabbing some toasted bread. "Ugh, we've got charms next, don't we?"

"Lunch first," said Ezra, with his mouth full. "Don't ruin lunch."

Ella chuckled, swatting him. "Don't talk with your mouth full."

Ezra was about to respond when his attention was pulled towards the back of the hall. Ravenna followed his gaze and found two people entering the dining hall. Professor Slughorn, and Professor Dumbledore.

Ravenna froze in her seat. What is he doing here?

The long silver beard made it impossible to see the expression on the old headmaster's face from this distance. It was clear, though, that he scanned the hall for something – someone. People were whispering all around her, but she didn't catch any of it. All she could do was sit there and wait, as Dumbledore eyes finally landed on her.

Ravenna's heart hammered in her throat, as the old man made his way through the hall towards her. Someone said her name, behind her, but her own thoughts drowned out the voices. What does he want with me?

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