Chapter 28 - All Alone

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The fresh smell of rain still hung in the air as Ravenna walked along the path towards Dawnwich on New Year's Eve. The light of a waxing moon reflected off the still-wet cobblestones. A single owl hooted close by. In the distance, fireworks flared and crackled.

This was the right decision. No matter what the Death Eaters made her do, it was all to get Willem back to safety. There would be no repeat of what happened to Ella's family. She'd make sure of it.

The thought made her feel strangely serene. Her knees weren't shaking, her palms weren't sweating, and her heart beat at a normal, perhaps even slow, rhythm.

It was in that serene moment that Dan's brilliant blue eyes swam into her mind. Would he ever forgive her for everything she'd kept from him? Would she ever see his kind smile again, after what she was about to do? After tonight, everything would change. The Dark Lord wanted her, and once he had her, he wouldn't let her go.

Dan's brilliant blue eyes persisted in her thoughts, but Ravenna knew she had to let him go. Dan still had Ella and Ezra. And soon, they'd have Willem again. They'd be fine. Dan would miss her for a while, but eventually he would go on with his life. Find a new best friend. That was okay. All she wanted was for him to be happy and for him to know he was positively perfect the way he was – alliterations and all.

If only she could tell him that one more time.

Her feet brought her to the centre of the town. The streets of Dawnwich were littered with people getting ready for their New Year's celebration. Parents and their kids with sparklers. Teenagers setting off rockets with friends. Both muggles and wizards alike were enjoying the preparation.

The noise slipped to the background as soon as she stepped into the alleyway next to the Fae's Foot Inn. Her hand automatically reached for her wand, but the Death Eaters hadn't arrived yet. She fiddled with it in her pocket. A group of boys, a few years younger than her, walked past the alley, laughing and chatting. They never saw her.

A pang of homesickness shot through her. She could almost see her friends' faces in those careless smiles. She wished she could've told Dan what was happening. She wished he was right here by her side. But that would only put him in danger, too.

Ravenna remembered clearly the last thing she'd said to him. It wasn't anything profound or memorable. It wasn't even anything cheerful. A solemn "Goodnight" was the last word Dan had heard her say.

A soft hiss sounded behind her, like air escaping from a small hole. She turned around, only to jump back as she clutched her wand tightly in her pocket.

"Welcome, Ravenna." His voice was high but confident. There was a threatening hiss in it, too. He looked even paler from close by. Another batch of fireworks exploding above their heads made his white skin light up red. A smile tugged at his lips, but it wasn't a happy one. Hungry, seemed like a better way to describe the way the corners of his lips twisted upwards.

It was him. The Dark Lord. Voldemort. The same man who had watched her kill a werewolf. She hadn't expected him to show up himself.

She glanced over her shoulder. The other end of the alley was a dead end. He'd only just arrived and she'd already gotten herself trapped.

Ravenna took a moment to swallow away the lump of fear that had lodged itself in her throat. It's fine. It'll be alright. Just find Willem. Her fingers loosened and tightened around the wand in her pocket.

"You're him, aren't you? The Dark Lord?"

He bared his teeth in a grin. "Indeed. Lord Voldemort is my name. And you, my dear girl, you have something I want."

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