Chapter 19 - Overwhelming Outrage

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"We really shouldn't b-be here," Dan whispered urgently, but Ravenna did not slow her pace.

The letter in her hand was crumpled and ripped, having taken the first wave of Ravenna's anger. A warm October sun shone down on them, as if to fuel the already hot fire that burned in her chest.

"I disagree. We're exactly where we should be. I can't wait to see how he'll explain this away," said Ravenna. The very thought of Ella's tear-stained face sent rage coursing through her veins like fiendfyre.

The Inn was empty, except for a handful of patrons all sitting alone, either talking to themselves or staring deep into their firewhiskey glass. Alois had taken the same seat as last time, in front of the fireplace. He spread his arms to beckon them closer, the smile on his face not quite reaching his dull grey eyes. Ravenna's anger flared up tenfold at the sight of the pudgy little man. It was all his fault. Him and his stupid, murderous friends.

Ravenna was ready to charge at him. To let her magic run its course and do what it always wanted to do. She was ready to set it loose on him like a hunting dog, trained to kill. A glass nearby snapped, its owner yelping as firewhiskey dripped to the floor. Dan reached out and squeezed her hand, shooting her a warning glance. She took a deep breath, forcing herself to calm down.

"Welcome!" said Alois as he let his gaze glide from her to her best friend. "It is good to see you back again, Miss Inkwood. And with a friend."

Ravenna gnashed her teeth. She couldn't bring herself to answer his unspoken question. If she opened her mouth now, she wasn't sure which words would come out. Dan nodded at the man in curt greeting, but didn't introduce himself.

"Since last we met, a lot has happened. Change is already set in motion. We are working hard towards a brighter future. One in which we are all equal. We can make this happen, and we will. But only with your help."

This time, he did wait for a response. Something flickered in his dull eyes. The smile had disappeared completely.

"Isn't that why you're here?" he hissed. "To stand with me? To take up your wand and fight for the change we all deserve?" He emphasised the word change, as if to remind her of their common goal.

"That depends," Ravenna exclaimed, gritting her teeth.

Alois' eyes narrowed, and his lips pressed together into a thin line.

"How many more of our families need to die for it?"

"Excuse me?"

Her hands balled to fists beside her as she stepped forward. Dan immediately reached out to grab her wrist. "Your Death Eaters," she spat, "murdered the family of one of our classmates earlier this week. Is that the change you're fighting for? How can you stand here and talk about a brighter future, while our families are slaughtered for your cause?"

The words hung in the thick, alcohol-drenched air. The Inn went silent. Even the drunkards stopped talking to themselves. Alois' hand shot to his pocket, where he undoubtedly kept his wand. She saw this, but barely registered it. Her focus was on his face, as he opened and closed his mouth like a fish, struggling to come up with a response.

"You must realise..." He licked his lips, before continuing slowly, as if choosing his words carefully. "I've always told you, our goal is to make a huge change to the world as we know it. Only drastic measurements can cause the change we're looking for. This is war. In war, there are casualties. I'm sorry for your classmate, truly, but their sacrifice will not be in vain."

He didn't even try to deny it. The last drop of hope she didn't even realise she'd nurtured, evaporated inside her.

"Sacrifice?" Ravenna shouted. "Their sacrifice? They never even knew what they died for. They weren't involved in any of this. That's not a sacrifice, that's plain and simple murder! Your associates —"

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