The Mercy of the BloodLust Moon (Wolf Fable)

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            The pack decended at a lighting fast pace down the summit of the mountain range they called home. They sped down the side of the snowy mountain, their snow shoe like paws bringing up clouds of snowy fluff that fell delicately back down to earth after a moment of freedom. The family unit was composed of five distinct members. Taking head of the pack was the strong, stunning alpha male, he sported a midnight black coat that stood out against the pure back drop of the snow. Flanking his left was his counter part, the princess of the mountain range and the forest, she was his alpha and her coat shone a white that was paler than the snow their paws raced over top of. As the pack drew closer to the dense forest a few miles ahead the air was filled with an excited chorus of barks and yips. Today was the first hunt for the new alphas, the day they had been waiting for since pup-hood. Parents of the alphas always told their pups the glory of the pair’s first hunt under the last full moon, it was the first step in becoming permanent leaders of any family for good. Tonight was the night this mountains pair would take on their greatest challenge.

            The hunt before them would take place at the darkest point of the night, but first the two had to be separated. The rules of the hunt were simple with a total of three kills to be made before day-break, if the three kills were not made they would lose the right to their love. The alpha male must make the first kill by himself, the second kill must come at the jaws of the pair together. Only after the two had worked in harmony could the third kill be made, and this one was the one the entire pack could take part in. This kill was the most important and bound the family together until death they all part.

            The sun was disappearing over the tooth-like mountains that encompassed the dense evergreen maze, the pack knew that the woods help all forms of game but they were after elk tonight. The sun whispered its last breaths of light before handing the sky to the elegant moon, the initiation was now in effect.

            The sleek black pelted male broke away from his pack with a loving nip to the ruff of his mate and a yip to the others. He swiftly dashed between trees at break neck speed, following his senses as they led him to the prey that await him. His tail acted like a rudder as he maneuvered the terrain. His footfalls slowed to a queit pace. Each paw moved with a deliberate purpose. In front of him was a massive male elk, the alpha could feel the warm sticky, sweet blood pouring into his mouth as he imagined the kill. He swiftly blew his cover as he ran for the massive elk. He was faster than the elk but in no way could he over power it, he nipped relentlessly at the ankles of his foe, and recived a solid kick to the shoulder. A whimper escaped his muzzle as he fell to the ground in the wake of the fleeting elk. The midnight male slowly got up and shook his ruff, he was incapable of making the kill he had wanted. He had lost his elegant gait to his stupidity. He picked out a sickly young elk and took it down with ease, the kill brought him no honor or glory but it satisfied the bloodlust the moon called for from the alpha. The tilted his crimson muzzle to his goddess and let a sorrowfilled howl fill the air, telling the pack his kill was made and for his snowy bride to arrive.

            She was there in an insant, her long white fur a stunning sight. She ran over to him and nuzzled him.

            “Lets do this, for the family, and for the moon,” She whispered in a deep raspy tone. She quickly turned her tail up and ran after the now scattered heard of elk. Her love chased after her with a limp.  

            “We are going to take the sickly older female, the big one with the limp.”  The two had their game plan and moved to opposite sides of the field. The midnight male lept out of hiding and chased the frightened elk strait into the path of the majestic white wolf. Together the two made the kill with ease, but it still did not bring them pride or fifilment their hearts desired, but yet again the moon was satisfied with the kill. Sweet blood coated their muzzles and paws as they released a two tone harmonic howl that ecoed up into the heavens. Soon their pack was at their side. They all looked at eachother, blue eyes meeting yellow, bramble hues of pelts contrasting with the alphas black and white. Together the family tilted back their heads to the goddess one last time and let their voices fill the mountain side with a magical fear. The hunt was on, and the prize was big.

            They ran as a unit through the snow banks and pine needles until they finally reached the clearing where the elk were now waiting. In the center was the massive elk the male had tried to take in his first hunt, but because he was on his own he lacked the ability. Now he had his family and he was ready to end it. The elk was already covered in scratches that let the crimson flow out. The pack took in one deep breath as one, tasting the sweet blood in the air. The alpha crouched down and the hunt was in effect. Two wolves charged the massive elk and his proud antlers. They ran at his heels, nipping and yipping. Their duty was to distract and annoy, run him until he could not take it anymore. They ran him to a hidden third wolf who joined in, full of energy. This wolf hopped on the elks back and dug his teeth into the skin by the neck, adding weight and pain. Soon the elk was exhausted and his heard had left him for dead, but he refused to give up trying to shake the three wolves. He ran for a part in the trees when he met the jaws of death. There at the end of the clearing were the two alphas. The charged the elk full speed, the white wolf snapped the elks leg and the animal went down. The wolves took a step back from the down animal and made way for the alpha male. His tail was raised to the moon from the thrill of the hunt.

          “Your bloodlust has been fufiled great spirit of the night. We thank you for your strength,”  he looked up the moon and dictated with the strength of many. He walked with deadly elegance to the side of the elk who had first evaded him; who now met his fate at the paws of the entire pack working as a whole. The stunning elk knew his fate and closed his eyes, drawing in his last breath. With a merciful clean snap of his jaws the majestic black coated wolf had ended the beautiful elks life. The hunt was now over. Three deaths. Three displays of life. Three challenges with one key note that taught the new alphas the key to leading a family, the true value of teamwork. 

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