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This was written March 28th 2020. Its likely this was either about Tom or Tord.


"Okay, I love you honey, we'll see you soon." My mother handed me a slip of paper with the address to Sam's old house.

"Bye Mom, love you," I mumbled.

Getting in Cameryn's car, I waited silently for her to come out of the restroom. A few minutes later, she breaks me out of my train of thought with the squeak from the door of her baby pink Ford Focus.

"How are you doing, babe?" She asked.

"Fine," I mumbled. She turned on music quietly as we drove. I tried to focus on American Boy, but my mind kept wandering back to my older sister.

"Haze, we're here," Cameryn said. I looked up to see her apartment building. We walked up a few sets of stairs to her two bedroom apartment. It wasn't very late, but I headed into the guest bedroom, which had been mine for the past couple weeks, and laid on the bed.


The next morning I woke up with a cat meowing at me. Brownie was annoyingly loud when he wanted to be and he wanted food.

"Shut up," I groaned, sitting up. I looked over at the brown cat and yawned. After changing my clothes, I walked to the kitchen and filled the fluffy cat's bowl, as well as the one for the small dog.

I grabbed a few of my things that I'd need for the day and got into my car. The green Jeep Cherokee Classic started up and I drove away silently. Mom's house was maybe ten miles away from Cameryn's apartment and there weren't too many cars on the roads so I got there fairly quickly. I got the keys from mom and headed out for Sam's. It was gonna be about an hour and a half drive, so I shuffled my Spotify playlist.

Probably about halfway there, I started getting tired again, so I pulled over and went into a Plaid Pantry. The bells that hung on the handle jingled as I opened the door.

"Welcome in," a middle aged woman said from behind the register. I walked to the back of the store where all of the drinks were and grabbed a Redbull, as well as a few snacks for later today. As I was about the walk up to the counter and pay, I started to get really anxious. I was almost considering putting everything back and leaving until someone spoke up.

"Are you in line?" A teenage boy with a bag of Takis in hand looked at me impatiently.

"U- Um, you go- you can go ahead, sorry." I stepped back to let him walk in front of me. He rolled his eyes and paid for the chips with his arms crossed.

"Have a good day." The woman smiled at me after speaking to the boy as he hastily left the store. I stepped up to the counter.

"Good morning, ma'am," the woman said

"Good morning," I said quietly.

"Are you having a good day?" She asked. I nodded. "Would you like a bag?"

"Um, no, I think I'm, um... I'm okay."

"Have a good day ma'am." The woman handed my change to me and I picked up my snacks.

"Thank you, you too." The bells jangled again as I stepped out of the store and got into my car. I sat there for a second to open my Redbull and took a sip. The Jeep started and I pulled out of my parking spot, driving the rest of the way to my older sister's home.

Once I finally arrived, I saw a small-ish light yellow house. I knew it hadn't quite been Sam's dream house but she had plans to find a bigger, and pinker house at some point in the near future. You could tell it was her house from the pink lawn chair and pink and white roses along the edge of the driveway. For a moment I just sat and admired the house, but eventually I walked up onto the deck and slowly opened the door. Nothing in the house really surprised me, the couch was white with a light brown coffee table and a large TV. The kitchen had white counters and baby pink tiles, same as the bathroom. Her bedroom was basically just pink, with a few light brown nightstands and the closet. The whole house was spotless and there were framed pictures of Sam all over the walls, most were probably from her modeling photoshoots. The backyard was fairly small and empty, but there were some flowers. That's how I knew she had maids and gardeners, she could never keep a garden alive and if she really wanted a clean house she could have it, but she would never put the work in.

Though I didn't want to stop taking in how she had things set up and all of the pictures, I had to start sorting through everything. Mom and I had already talked about it and the things in her bedroom were gonna go back to mom's house and be set up the same as they were when she lived there. I was gonna keep a few smaller things and maybe a little furniture, but everything else was going to other people in the family.

After a couple hours of going through things, there was a knock on the door. On the other side stood an average height woman with black hair.

"Hi there, you must be Hazel?" She asked.

"Oh, um, y- yeah... That's me," I said.

"I am Kagami Eto, the landlord," she said, "the house is yours now?"

"Um, y- yeah. My sister left it to me," I explained.

"Oh, when was the funeral?" She asked.


"Oh, yes. I'm sorry for you," she said.

"No, no... It's- It's-" I stopped mid sentence and didn't speak up again, so Kagami took that as a queue to speak.

"Well, the house is yours, five hundred seventy five dollar a month." Kagami stayed and talked to me for a couple minutes longer before getting into her light blue Prius and driving off.


A few days later, maybe a week or so, mom had helped me get all of Sam's old belongings to the family members who would keep them from now on. She also helped me decorate my house and I now had a full bedroom and an almost full living room. I helped her a little bit with setting up Sam's old room at her house. I still couldn't stop thinking about Sam, so I went outside to sit in her lawn chair. I had one of my earbuds plugged in and was just listening to whatever song was playing when a man walked out of the house next-door. He saw me and walked over, waving at me.

"Hi there! I'm Edd. This is a little odd, but my friends wanted me out of the house for a while and you seem nice, so would you mind if we chatted for a while or something?" He asked. Edd had brown hair that was a little shaggy, I guess you could say, and he was quite tall. He had to be at least a foot taller than me and he wore a green hoodie.

"O- Oh, yeah, sure, that's uh, that's fine," I mumbled on. Lucky for me, there was an extra lawn chair on the porch and I grabbed it and set it up for Edd.

"Oh, thanks," he said, "What's your name?"

"Oh, right! Um, sorry, I'm H- Hazel."

Edd and I chatted for a while, maybe an hour, before he decided he would go back inside.

"Oh, Hazel?" He asked.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Do you happen to know what happened to the lady who lived here? She was a brunette I think, and tall-ish, wore a lot of pink?"

"Oh... Um, yeah. That's Sam, she's my older sister," I said.

"Has she moved or something?"

"Well... Her-" I got choked up on the thought of the next word, but spat it out, "her f- funeral was a few days ago."

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to bring it up if it's a soft subject."

"No, it's... Well, it's fine." 

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