Fairy Tail

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I wrote this August 7th 2019. I don't remember who this is about, but my guess it either Gray or Natsu. Also, this is 28,722 words so good luck.


"Sunny, hurry the heck up. I'm leaving." I say. Sunny is my exceed, which is basically a cat that has wings. Sunny has light orange fur with white fur on her belly, the tip of her tail, and on her feet. When she brings out her wings they're plain white and she usually wears a jean jacket with yellow round glasses.

"I'm coming Hazel, jeez." She said.

"Jeez, finally." Sunny flies out of the house and we start on our way to town. We had to go grocery shopping, again. When I had originally come to this town I didn't have anywhere to stay, neither did I have the money to buy a place so the mayor had let me and Sunny stay with him as long as we got groceries every week.

"Hazel," Sunny complained. "I don't wanna go to the store!"

"And you think I do? It's either a weekly trip to the store or we don't have a place to stay. I'm pretty sure I can speak for both of us when I say we'd rather take the first one." I say.

"Yeah, I know." Sunny replies. We continued to walk to the store in silence. Once we get there we grabbed a cart and started our journey around the endless isles. Sunny was sitting in the cart, per usual, and the first aisle we walked down was the bread aisle.

"Let's see here... Mr. Miller said he needed bagels, wheat bread, and white bread." I grabbed each of the items as I muttered them under my breath. Eventually we made our way out of the store with tons and tons of bags. I struggled to carry back a few bags in each hand as Sunny flew above me with one bag.

"Are we almost there yet?" Sunny complained.

"Well we might almost be if you helped me carry some bags." I look up at her and glare. She looks down and just smiles. "Sunny, I hate you."

"I love you too, Hazel." Sunny responds.

Sadly the grocery store was pretty far away from the mayor's home so we had to walk for quite a while. As we were just a little farther from his house I ran into somebody. I squeal and the other person lets out an 'oof' as they hit the ground.

"I'm so sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going, I'm sorry." I start to ramble, but I stop when I see a hand stuck out to me. I grab the person's hand and they pull me up with ease.

"Sorry about that." The person said, they picked up my bags and handed some to me.

"I- It's okay." I take my first look up at the person. It was a male, he had salmon pink hair and onyx eyes. He was quite a bit taller than me, he was probably around 5'9 (I heard he was 5'9?) which would mean he's eight inches taller than I am. When I was about thirteen I made it to 5'1 and didn't grow any more

"Hey, you've got quite a few bags. Do you need some help?" The boy asked.

"I- Um, if it isn't too much trouble, yeah, that'd be nice.." I said.

"Come on, Flame Brain, we're in the middle of a job. We don't have time for this." Just then did I realize the three other people standing behind him. The one who had spoken up was the other male, he had black, almost blue-ish hair and dark blue eyes. He also looked about 5'9 (I've heard he's 5'9 too?).

"Shut it, Ice Princess, we can spare a few minutes." The salmon haired boy and the black/blue-ish haired boy glared at each other.

"Squinty Eyes." The black/blue haired boy said.

"Umm... I- I can go?" I mutter to myself.

"Droopy E-" The salmon haired boy was cut off by a girl with very familiar scarlet red hair smacking both of them.

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