"Here, we've got extra blankets at the house, but I know getting a new fuzzy one usually cheers you up at least a little," Tord smiled at me before he starts driving.

"You know you didn't have to do this. I would've been fine," I said.

"What, let you stay at my house or get you the blanket?" He asked.

"Both. I appreciate it, but I would've been okay."

"You don't call me much, I figure something has to be up if you call me, especially in the middle of the night. Plus, I barely see you anymore," Tord said. I nodded. "Anyways, what happened?"

"Um... Jared and I just got into a little argument yesterday, it's not that big of a deal..." I mumbled.

"Just a little argument?" He asked.

"Y- Yeah." I said.

We didn't say much else after that, but Tord turned on a CD quietly. We listened to some Panic! but eventually I started to get tired again.

The lace in your dress tangles my neck

How do I live?


Groaning, I covered my eyes and rolled over. The sun was shining directly into my eyes through the open blinds. I moved the fuzzy lavender blanket off of me and sat up. My bags were on the floor next to the bed I was in, so I pulled out a different pair of pants and decided I didn't need a shirt. After changing, now wearing some light blue ripped jeans and my hoodie, I looked around the room. Seeing all the posters of anime girls and weapons and such, I figured it was Tord's room, but I didn't know where he was.

I walked down the stairs in search of my brother, and instead saw a different boy on the couch. He turned to me as I made it to the step second from the bottom.

"Oh hi, I'm Edd," He said. He had brown hair that was a little shaggy. He was wearing a green hoodie.

I nodded. "H- Hi... Um, wh- where's Tord?" I asked quietly, messing up on my words.

"Oh, that's right. He just went to the store real quick, he should be back soon." Edd explained. I only nodded in response. "If you're hungry Tord just went to get more pancake mix, so we'll make some food once he gets back." He continued.

"Um, E- Edd?" I asked quietly. He looked up at me. "Where's, um, the bathroom?"

"Oh, here. I'll show you." He stood up and led me up the stairs and down a hallway, opening one of the doors for me.

"Th- Thank you." I said.

"Yep." He walked back downstairs. I went back to Tord's room and grabbed my toothbrush and such, then headed back to the bathroom.

After doing my thing, brushing my teeth and hair and all that, I walked back to Tord's room to put my things back and grab my phone. Unlocking my phone, I see a bunch of messages from Jared.

Jared❤️: Where are you

You better be back here by tonight

Jared❤️: Answer me Hazel

er me Hazel

Jared❤️: Where the fuck are you

Hazel🌺: I'm sorry

Jared❤️: Where the fuck are you

Jared❤️: Answer me

I was in the middle of trying to think of an excuse when my phone died and shut off.

"Haze, are you hungry?" Tord's sudden question scared me and I jumped.

"Oh, um... No, I'm okay. I'm not very hungry right now." I said.

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