"H- Hi?" I said.

"Hey Hazel. Is Maya there? She hasn't responded when I called her." Iris said.

"O- Oh, Yeah um... Maya.. Maya's in her room, I think. Let... Uh, let me check." I walk out of my room and down the hall to Maya's room. When I knocked on the door nobody answered so I checked the bathroom. I heard water running. "I uh... I think Maya's in the shower right now. I can tell her to call you when she's done."

"Okay." Iris hung up. The reason I was stuttering so bad was because I got really nervous around new people or people I didn't know very well. I walked back into my room and set my phone on my desk. It wasn't very late, but we had been in the car for nine and a half hours and I had trouble sleeping, so I laid down and fell asleep.


"Do you remember? The twenty first night..." Eight AM. I smashed my hand into my alarm clock as it played September by Earth, Wind, and Fire. I did successfully turn off the music, but my alarm clock fell off my bedside table and crashed on the floor. It hit the ground with a loud crash and it might have broken.

"Dang it." I whine. Finally, I opened my eyes and looked around. I was in my bed, under my baby blue sheets. The walls were painted dark blue (Micheal hadn't agreed to let me choose a color for them to be painted) with posters, drawings, paintings, and other such things pinned up. My tan bedside table held my laptop and my little fan. My matching tan desk, bookshelf, and dresser were sitting across the back wall of my room. Farthest from me, in the corner, my desk held my lamp, as well as my phone, water bottle, and a book. The bottom drawer of my dresser had been left open. The bookshelf held books, obviously, and my journals and sketchbooks were on top. My suitcase and backpack were in front of my closet door. On the right wall, my one window was open, as well as the curtains. Slowly, I stretched and stood up, making my way over to the bags. Unzipping the suitcase, I realized how much stuff I had brought. I might as well have brought my whole dresser with me. Today was the last day of spring break, so I had to make sure I had some clean clothes. I quickly picked up some clothes and started the washing machine. Since Sabrina had work at ten, I decided to make breakfast.

Once the pancakes were done, I put them on six different plates and put on the toppings. For Sabrina, strawberries and whipped cream. For Maya, peanut butter. For Autumn, chocolate sauce. For Sam, blueberries and whipped cream. For Micheal, just regular old maple syrup. And lastly for me, strawberries, bananas, and whipped cream. Once I was done I went and woke everyone up. First was Sabrina and Micheal. I knocked on their door and told them I made food. Then I did the same with Maya, Autumn, and Sam. After that I ate my pancakes and cleaned up my dishes. By this time it was nine thirty and Sabrina was about to leave for work.

"Bye girls, bye Mike." Sabrina said.

"Bye Sabrina!" I shout. She walked out the door as I turned and went up the stairs. It was about time I got ready for the day. Bobby, Matt, and I were going to meet up at noon. I went to my room and grabbed a pair of blue jeans and a light purple hoodie. Then I went to the bathroom and took a shower. It took me about thirty minutes to get out, but I finally stepped out of the shower and got myself dressed. Since I'm lazy, I left my hair to dry on its own and went back to my room to call the Chase's. I picked up my phone and clicked the contact 'Chase home'. It rang for a few seconds before someone answered.

"Hello." A man spoke up.

"Hi, Mr. Chase." I said. Frederick Chase was Bobby and Matthew's dad. Their mother was Mrs. Chase, but she never told me her first name. They have an older half-sister, Annabeth. Mr. and Mrs. Chase always welcomed me to their home. My mom had known Frederick since she was young, so Annabeth was like an older sister to me. She's eighteen and Bobby and Matthew are just a few months older than I am.

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