After All...

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After five blissful years of marriage, Nasir and Dije were overjoyed to welcome their first child into the world. They named him Dinas, a strong and noble name fit for a future king.

When Dinas was just ten days old, a white wizard, known throughout the land for his ability to heal the sick by fighting against the forces of darkness, arrived at the gates of Sirnas. King Nasir and his court welcomed the wizard with open arms, hoping he would provide insight into their new prince's future.

As the white wizard took the young prince Dinas into his arms, a sudden gust of wind rattled the palace windows, and the sky outside darkened. The air grew thick with tension, and the wizard's eyes shone with an otherworldly light.

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning streaked across the sky, illuminating the entire village of Sirnas in a brilliant flash. And at that moment, two glowing shapes appeared in the clouds, taking the form of piercing eyes that seemed to stare directly at the wizard and the young prince.

The people of Sirnas gasped in awe and fear, convinced that they were witnessing a divine prophecy unfolding before their very eyes. And indeed, the wizard himself seemed to be in a trance, his eyes fixed on the glowing shapes in the sky.

As the storm raged on, the wizard spoke in a language that none of the onlookers could understand, his voice rising and falling with the wind. And then, just as suddenly as it had begun, the storm dissipated, and the skies cleared once more.

The wizard handed Dinas back to his parents, a look of deep sadness etched on his face. "Your son is destined for greatness," he said, his voice heavy with emotion. "But he will face many challenges along the way. It is up to you to protect him, to guide him, and to help him fulfil his destiny."

"This boy," he added, pointing to Dinas, "will suffer greatly and unimaginably, but he will also achieve great glory. He is one of the MEN OF GLORY, a rare breed of heroes born only once every thousand years. And he is the last of his kind."

Nasir and Dije were struck with both pride and fear at this revelation. They asked the wizard for more information, but he shook his head solemnly.

"If I say more, I will die," he said. "All I can advise is that you take extra care of him."

And with that, the white wizard disappeared, leaving the royal family to ponder the weight of his words.

From that day forward, Nasir and Dije vowed to protect their son at all costs. They knew that his future was uncertain, but they were determined to give him the best life possible. Little did they know that Dinas's journey would take him to the ends of the earth and back and that his destiny would change the course of history forever.

For as the white wizard had foretold, human history never truly ends, and the legacy of the MEN OF GLORY lives on in the hearts and minds of those who dare to dream and fight for a better tomorrow.


AGAINST THE DARK SORCERER... (Edited)Where stories live. Discover now