Chapter Six

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Even though Ilfar had reached the outskirts of the city, the warriors were still relentlessly pursuing him. He urged his horse to go faster, but their numbers kept increasing. Finally, he braked his horse and turned around to face them, still carrying Dije's lifeless body.

Ilfar's horse reared up, neighing loudly and pawing at the ground as if sensing the tension in the air. Ilfar himself stood tall and proud, his sword at the ready. He addressed the warriors with a booming voice that echoed across the field, "Hey, you bunch of useless warriors, hurry back to Sirnas before I send you to the afterlife. For those who don't want to lose their lives, turn around and go home."

The warriors remained unmoved as if they were deaf to his words. But suddenly, a voice cut through the silence, sneaking through the ranks of warriors to face Ilfar. It was Prince Gundas, one of Ilfar's long-time enemies.

Gundas taunted Ilfar, "You know that you are not good enough to be with the beautiful queen. She is not your type. Are you not ashamed of your ugly face? How could someone as ugly as you want to marry Dije?" He turned his face away and spat out saliva, showing his disdain for Ilfar.

Ilfar was furious. Without a moment's hesitation, he drew his sword and approached Gundas. The two of them faced each other, swords at the ready, ready to fight to the death.

But just as they were about to clash, a speeding warrior on horseback rode into the middle of them, braked, and drew his sword. He removed his steel helmet, revealing himself to be Nasir...

Ilfar and Gundas both stopped, staring at Nasir in surprise. Nasir had come to their aid just in time, but before they could say anything, the ground beneath them shook violently. The sky turned black, and a fierce storm erupted, with winds so strong that it lifted the warriors off their feet.

The screams of the horses mingled with the cries of the warriors as they struggled to maintain their balance. Ilfar, Gundas, and Nasir were all tossed around like rag dolls, struggling to stay on their feet as the storm raged on. It was a chaotic and terrifying scene, and it seemed as though the forces of nature themselves had risen to challenge them.

The strong wind blew them away and a black storm descended upon them before they could even think of a way to escape. It surrounded Ilfar and swallowed him, his horse, and Dije. Then it vomited him and his horse out, but Dije was nowhere to be found. As the storm subsided and the wind stopped blowing, everything went back to normal. It was as if a burst of laughter could be heard coming from the sky, and Boka Lahan's face appeared in the clouds.

"A boy is a boy. Do you think we don't know your movements? You must be ignorant of my great name," Lahan taunted. "I swear, no one can stop me from doing what the deity has decreed. Are you not happy with the deity's decision?"

"Enough," Ilfar interrupted him. Lahan looked at Ilfar in surprise, but before he could say anything, Nasir spoke up. "I swear by God that I will sacrifice my life for Dije to live, and no one should harm her for the sake of a vain, greedy, dirty deity."

"Hahaha, Dije is in my hands. She will live with me in the Forest of Death. If there is a true lover of hers, within five days, I want him to come and take her away... I swear by the deity, no one can cross the Forest of Death and leave with their life," Lahan declared. "Here is the field for the horseman, where there is no land, there is an argument about who can wrestle better." Lahan then clapped his hands, and a picture of Dije appeared in a cloud. She was chained and still asleep. Without waiting for a response, Lahan disappeared.

After Lahan disappeared, an eerie silence settled upon them, and they stood there for a long time without saying a word. The only sound that could be heard was the sombre rustling of the warriors busily gathering the dead and wounded horses strewn across the battlefield.

Gundas shot Ilfar a contemptuous look, and Ilfar responded with a fierce growl that made him sound like a lion. Nasir, however, remained calm and friendly, and once again stepped in between the two.

"Lahan has taken the woman we both want to marry and given us five days to save her life. I suggest we join forces and work together to rescue her," Nasir proposed.

Ilfar scoffed at the idea. "This is a game! How can two men vying for the same woman work together to save her? And even if we do save her, who will she choose to marry? It's impossible!"

Despite Ilfar's objections, Nasir remained hopeful. "Love can make people do the impossible. Let's put our differences aside and focus on saving Dije. We can figure out the rest later," he reasoned.

Gundas remained silent, his eyes fixed on the ground. It was clear that he was considering Nasir's proposal, but his pride was making it difficult for him to accept.

"Listen, my friend," Gundas began, addressing Ilfar. "What Nasir said is true. We need each other on this perilous journey. Entering the Forest of Death and coming out alive is no easy feat, and you know that better than anyone, being a sorcerer yourself."

"Frankly," Gundas continued, "it will be difficult for any one of us to survive alone. Ilfar, is saving Dije's life not worth the value of uniting ourselves?"

"Dije's love is worth more than you think, but I will not join you at all," said Ilfar. "The Forest of Death is the fear of every warrior and every wizard. Even death is afraid of this forest."

"The forest is feared because the hero of men, Ilfar, has not entered it," he continued. "And from the moment I enter, I will destroy everything in the forest. So I advise you to go home and leave Dije to me. I will save her and marry her."

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