Chapter two

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On their way back from the river, three figures carried sandy jugs filled with water on their heads, while wearing leather shoes that did not extend past their ankles. Despite being quite far from the village, their faces showed no signs of fatigue or fear.

Furnas was the name of the precious and prestigious river for the villagers of Sirnas and neighbouring cities. They not only depended on it for their livelihoods but also respected it for the belief that it played a key role in protecting them from their opponents from different parts of the continent and cruel demons. It was believed that there was a demon queen in the river who was responsible for taking more than ten lives every year by drowning them in the water. Occasionally, the demon queen brought the bodies out of the river, but more often than not, she adorned her underwater palace with their skulls.

According to traditional beliefs, the queen is also responsible for the deaths of unborn children who refuse to promise to obey her, and she is believed to be the reason why married women become widows.

"We were able to fetch water easily today without any difficulty," Larai said as she adjusted the jug on her head. "That means Nasir and his friends used to delay us with their hand-picking of fruits and other things." She looked at a tall tree to her left and remembered being told as a child that trees like that had demons on them that ate the heads of small children.

"Hmm, Larai," the girl on the left said, turning her head to face her friend. "You have to understand that men are nothing more than a liability. It's a bitter truth, but we have to accept it." She pushed her mouth forward and examined their shadows. "Take a look at our shadow's shortness, it tells us that we have accomplished a great deal of work in a little portion of our time. I'm very happy about it because our food will be ready soon." She glanced surreptitiously at Dije. "Dije, I know you're not happy because your lover isn't accompanying us today, but believe me, it's neither Larai's nor my fault." She paused for a moment, studying Dije's face, but failed to discern any reaction.

"When did I ever tell you all that? If you're not going to say anything good, then you should shut your mouth. Have you forgotten that we all know what happens between you and your boyfriend Jimrau when you isolate yourselves in the cave of that giant tree?" The girl in the middle spoke up. She was the tallest of the group and, though they were all black, she was brighter. Her eyes were big and white with black eyeballs, and her face was beautifully adorned with a nose that was neither thin nor big. Below it was a small mouth, and the teeth behind her soft pink lips were lined up like warriors on the battlefield. No pen could adequately describe her beauty. Even the residents of Sirnas admitted that they had never seen anyone as gorgeous as her. Those who came to the city confirmed that they had never seen anyone as glamorous as this heavenly angelic girl.

Larai smiled and said nothing to support Dije or Kande. Kande displayed a ghostly smile and attempted to change the subject. "Are we going to visit the oldest woman in town today to listen to more stories of heroes of the past? If those heroes she talks about really exist, I would like to meet one of them." They found the topic interesting, so they delved into it.

"They continued to walk, with dark trees and ravines on their right and left-hand side. They often came across small creatures like snakes, but it didn't scare them as they were used to it.

"Did you come without an escort?" They heard a voice behind them and turned back simultaneously. They were surprised to see Nasir. He hung his stick on his shoulder, as if ready to fight. He was tall but not too tall, with an oval-shaped face, a Roman nose that rested slightly above his mouth, and black shining facial hair that rounded his face and enhanced his handsomeness.

Dije turned away from looking at him when a smile came over her, and she couldn't hide it. Her heartbeat raced out of control when their eyes met. She wondered when she would stop feeling this way and be like her friends. Her heart asked.

"Hmm, so you've been following us? How long?" Kande said, and Larai added, "Even if you weren't here, nothing would happen to your princess. We will take care of her for you. Besides, we are mature enough to follow from our village to here..." They looked at each other and burst out laughing as the water in their sandy jugs spilt out and soaked some parts of their clothes.

Suddenly, they heard Dije's despairing and intensely fearful shout. In shock, they looked in the direction of her voice."

There was a Crocuta hyena in front of Dije, and she was so scared that she let go of what was on her head, causing it to fall apart and scatter on the ground. Nasiru looked back to check on Larai and Kande, but he saw nothing except the motionless trees, and fear filled his heart. He began to take a few steps backwards.

Just as he was about to run, he saw the Crocuta approaching Dije. His love for her overcame his fear, and he jumped in front of the hyena. He grabbed it with all his strength, and they started to fight. The hyena was roaring and struggling to free itself from his grip, but the young man held on tight."

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Naseeb Auwal

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