Chapter 13: The Cult of Nihilus (Arc 5 final)

Start from the beginning

Y/n: Okay there's have to be a plan to kill this guy because we can't keep this up forever.

Sky: I know. If only there was a weak spot that he has.

Sky sees both Nihilus and Anakin battle as Nihilus kicks Anakin back and that's when Sky noticed his mask is cracked and had a idea.

Sky: The mask. We must destroyed the mask.

Y/n: What?

Sky: Think about it. Nihilus spirit is coming from the mask! That's where he drain all life so if we destroy the mask, he will be defeated for good.

Y/n: You think it will work?

Sky: Only one way to find out.

The two rush over as Nihilus and Anakin striking saber blows and Nihilus was about to swing when bolts fly by as he turn to see Sky and Y/n rushing towards him with blaster pistols which he block with his saber and force pushed them but Sky gets in front and blocks the fire push which Y/n tossed detonators at Nihilus which blow up and made Nihilus stumble back from the blast.

Sky: Target the mask Anakin! If I'm right, that's how we can defeat him!

Anakin: Hope your right!

Anakin charge towards Nihilus as he swing his saber back and was about to land a blow at his mask but Nihilus grabs Anakin saber with his hand as he slowly get up and grab Anakin by the arm and start to drain his life from him.

Y/n: Anakin!

The two rush over to save him but Nihilus force pushed them both, sending them flying as as Anakin yells while he dropped his saber as Nihilus grabs him by the other arm as he start to drain more life from Anakin.

Nihilus: I can taste your force within you. Yours is....different but delicious. I guess the foolish jedi think wrong about you being the chosen one! Once I drain your force from you, the jedi will lose their only hope they have to defeat me!

He laughs while Anakin yells even more in pain as his form his hands into a fist and then suddenly Anakin's eyes glow white and his hands glow white as well which shocked Nihilus as let out a yell amd there was a white blast that sent both Anakin and Nihilus flying back.

The two land hard onto the wall and fell onto the floor. Sky and Y/n rushed over to Anakin and they see he is alright as he help him up. They look over to see Nihilus slowly getting up and they see his masked is cracked and there was a leak of dark smoke coming out of it.

Nihilus: No! This is not possible! How can this be possible!

Y/n: Listen up mask freak!

He looks over to see the trio as Y/n take out his saber and tells Nihilus.

Y/n: You may have a special type of force ability that can make you powerful but that doesn't mean we can still beat you. As long we're alive and kicking, you won't harm the galaxy.

The trio activated their sabers as Nihilus lend out a yell and use his strongest force lighting at the trio which the trio blocked. Nihilus slowly walks towards them when suddenly a blaster bolt hits him and he looks up to see Leja, Billy, Nepthys and Zack as Billy called out.

Billy: Here your diet you with scum!

They all fired St Nihilus which he deflected the shots with his saber but he gets hit many times and some even hits hid mask which he yell in pain as he stumble back and grab his mask.

Nihilus stumbled back and before he can use force lighting on them, a rocket fly over and hits Nihilus, sending him flying and crashing onto the floor. He immediately get up and use force lighting but Anakin blocks the lighting while he rushes towards him and leaps up and strike blows at Nihilus.

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