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A/N You know the date. You know the update. Happy Birthday, Scoups!


Seungcheol had never intended it to happen. He had quite the faith in the control he exercised over himself. It was no secret that he was infatuated by the appearance of an individual he had been introduced to only months back, Lee Ari. From the night of the dinner party to the morning of her call with her secretary, Seungcheol had played the gentleman to the best of his ability.

Resistance, if anything, was a thin line. And Seungcheol stayed on his side of it with diligence. He had dug into his reserves when Ari had pretended to be weak, tempted more by her interest in the feelings he held for her, the possibility of a mutual emotion.

But Seungcheol was only so strong to Ari's touch in the dark of the room. The red flattering her cheeks at his slightest touch, the way her eyes sought him out at every movement, and just the way she glowed in the dim light of the room-the line had blurred.

He found himself kissing her back before he could breathe. His lips to hers, Seungcheol felt rushed but remained careful. He had to wait, in slow motions for her to agree, to give in to the desperation he felt. He had to be sure that she wouldn't regret making the first move, that she would enjoy it to the fullest. And she did. Ari was bold enough to take him by surprise, grabbing at his collar and parting between his lips to eat him raw. She was every bit the shivers that ran down his body when they touched, the sensation electrifying.

It left him gasping for air. "Wow."

Lee Ari, the Princess and an Heir Candidate for the throne smiled in response when the two broke apart. She liked being in control but this, this was even better. Looking him in the eye, she bit her lip softly, acknowledging that the experience she had was indeed one they were going to repeat. "Indeed." She nodded on his chest, the soft fabric of his shirt brushing atop the hairs on her head. "But this cannot get out, Seungcheol."

Every word of hers turned ripples into waves for Seungcheol. She made him feel the way no one had. If Ari didn't want word about them to get out, it wouldn't. They were standing on the opposite sides of the crown, their ambitions coinciding at every step. Seungcheol wasn't going to exterminate her dreams in the hope of mutual feelings. "What they don't know won't hurt them," He affirmed, leaning into a second kiss, his lips hovering over hers. "No one will know."


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"What are they doing in there?" Seokmin wondered when the couple hadn't resurfaced from the safety bunker for nearly an hour. There were no cameras for him to check into and it was suspicious that a small wine tour was taking them so long. He glanced over to Wonwoo watching a movie with an earbud plugged in one of his ears, "Do you think something's wrong?"

He was quick to respond. Wonwoo sat up, glancing at the screen that Seokmin was pointing to. "It's only been an hour. Maybe they've opened up a barrel and started drinking in there." He checked through the different angles to find a visual on the front. "Let's wait for a few more hours and reconsider going in."

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