Chapter Thirty Six: Little Diavolo

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"I expect nothing less." I held Vee's pretty face in my hands. "She preys on weakness."

"I know."

"I would still like to make love to you." I took her into my arms. "Very much Vee and it will mean a lot to me if you reconsider. I'm sorry I left you hanging last night. Do you forgive me my love?"

"Si. I forgive you."

I gave her a gentle kiss on her lips. "Raincheck? When I get back?"

"I can't promise. I get little outbursts when I really want to cross that line but it's always fleeting and I can't promise anything until the next time I feel that way."

"Listen, I love you and I have given you everything you have asked of me. I will not deny you anything within reason. All I'm asking for in return is that you trust me enough to let me make love to you. I'm asking that you trust our love and trust that even after our first time, I will still love you and I will still be there the next day so that I can continue loving you not just by my words but with my body. I want that for us and I know we need this to get that extra edge in this relationship. It cannot continue like this. Bambina I have been celibate for over a year. I cannot continue like this anymore. You need to do something for me."

"It's much to think about. When you can come back, we will see. No?"

Stubborn little girl. Why can't she just say yes?

"Yeah. We'll see." I kissed her lips one more time. "Stay sane and tough. My children are not easy to deal with."

I picked up my bag, passing it to the bodyguard who is already waiting outside my bedroom. Vee walked me out, holding my hand and leaning on me. It's a school day and the kids haven't left yet. I wanted to at least catch them before they do.

"Morning dude!" The dynamic duo greeted me at the same time.

"Morning boys. Leave some breakfast for Gio."

Gio has his breakfast last and when he's late, the dynamic duo clear the table. They eat absolutely everything.

"Where are you going?" Nerina asked me.

"To Manhattan for a three days."

"Is she going with you?" She asked with a quick glance at Vee.

"No. I'm staying." Vee answered.

"Why?" Nerina asked.

"Because I am staying." Vee answered.

This will be weird. I am cringing on the inside and the twins are making fighting cat sounds.

"Boys, enough of that. I expect that you boys uphold what we agreed on."

They saluted me. "We got your your back." Nicolò winked at me. Marco nodded in agreement.

"Nerina, walk me out please." I led the way. She followed. I held the front door open for her. She's not dressed for school. She will start when I get back. Vee will be stuck with her all through till I get back. "Piccola, you were not here when I spoke to the boys about Vee moving in. So I'll repeat myself. Vee is my girlfriend. I love her very much and she is now part of my life. I'll appreciate it if you respect that. I dint need to tell you what respect means. Do I?"

"No daddy."

"Good. If you're back here, then you live by my rules. Is that clear piccola?"

"Yes daddy." I kissed the top of her head. "Be good."

Vee stepped out with the boys. They each gave me a hi five as they ran past me into the SUV waiting. I kissed Vee goodbye and left in a separate car.

"Hi you've reached Rei. Do what you have to." Her voicemail responded.

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