Chapter Eleven: Sacred Nature

Start from the beginning

Y/N: I don't know. And I don't know where to find one, either.

Melina: What's that?

She pointed somewhere far. All of us looked to see rocks floating in the air.

Rennala: That's where Nokron is! Let's get over there, quickly!

Y/N quickly ran towards the rocks, as Melina and Rennala followed us from behind. When we all got to the floating rocks, we saw a massive crater in the ground that led down towards the city.

Millicent: This must be it.

Melina rode her steed down the rocks and jumped over them. She got off of him, who disappeared, and waited near the entrance.

Melina: Ready whenever you are!

Rennala: Leonard can't do that. Can he?

The horse neighs in reply.

Y/N: Probably not. Rennala, you and Leonard stay. Millicent, Nepheli, you might want to hang on tightly.

Millicent held tightly onto me, as I held onto Y/N's fur. He ran across the broken rocks and next to Melina. We got off of him. We watched Y/N carry Rennala next, who was then placed next to us. Finally, the dragon carried Leonard with him. He placed the horse down after returning.

Nepheli: Really? You're bringing the horse, too?

Y/N: I can't leave a horse stranded in the middle of nowhere. Besides, Rennala is going to beg me to get her son's horse.

Rennala: Aww~ You're a sweetheart, dear.

Y/N: Let's just get this treasure before something bad happens.

We watched him pick up Leonard and walked down the rocks.

Melina: Someone's in a rush today.

Rennala: Maybe he understands my daughter's wish.

We all followed him down the rocks to enter Nokron. When we first entered underground, Y/N was reaching his hands towards us. Leonard was standing next to him.

Y/N: It may be a deep drop, but I'll catch you girls. One at a time.

Melina: Okay.

We all dropped towards Y/N one by one, who caught us with his hands.

Rennala: Thank you, dear.

Y/N: I'll keep doing it every time there's a deep drop.

Millicent: You won't miss, will you?

Y/N: I won't miss any of you. I promise.

He carried the horse and all of us stepped out to see more buildings, but these buildings were not like the ones from the surface, for one of them was upside down.

Nokron, Eternal City

Millicent: Where do we go now?

Y/N: By looking at it, all of us must travel across the rooftops of the buildings to get to those trees over there.

He points to the trees in the distance, where they had orange leaves.

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