17 , open arms

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open arms

as i pulled out the glass shards from the bottom of my feet, the crimson-colored blood stained both my fingertips and hands and dripped off my heals as it did the edges of the translucent substance. roaring flames blocked off the exit to the living room after crawling back to the bedroom and away from the fire that dared to swallow me whole.

after throwing the last large shard painted with my blood across the floor and into the fire, my sobs only got louder as the pain became all-the-more unbearable. i grabbed a fistful of material that sat loosely on my stomach and ripped off a good portion of it for me to bite on. it didn't help much but it was able to muffle the loud cries that escaped my lips before i slammed the ground with my hand and let out one last scream.

with every final ounce of strength i had to give, i pulled myself off the ground just enough to undo the window lock and open it half-way. my arms shook and shivered, trying to lift all of my weight up and over the window seal but the few attempts were hardly any until i could hear the flames closing in on me and the heat from it made my pores drip with sweat.

i winced from trying to stand but the fall from the window to the concrete hurt so much more than anything i could've imagined in that moment. i heard my left arm crack as it broke my fall and i let out a loud sob from not being able to bare any more of the pain.

my head spun until everything looked fuzzy, and before i knew it, i succumbed to the darkness that welcomed me with open arms.

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