"Daniel Joseph Ricciardo! Put me down now or I'm calling your mother!" The threat was empty, she would laugh at us I was sure.

"She'd tell you to enjoy it." I laughed with some of the randoms scattered around the pit lane as he continued back to the garage with me on his shoulder, hanging down his back.

"I'm not kidding, my head hurts, put me down." He finally obliged as we stopped in front of the large group of people that had congregated in front of our garage again and I knew this was it before we had to go and change.

"Now that Daniel's done assaulting me," I playfully smacked his arm as I tried to gain my breath," Genuinely thank you for today. I could not have done it without every single person on the team here and back in MK. It sounds cheesy, but I've been with y'all on the frontline for long enough to know how much hard work everyone puts into making sure that these silly cars run in top condition. They're temperamental toddlers at best and somehow we've all become some of the best babysitters in the world." Our team laughed as Daniel stood next to me, holding my trophy with both hands.

"This is literal history, something I will personally cherish forever. I hope your experience here has done the same for you." I smiled as they cheered before we were finally dismissed.

Angela came and took my trophy from Daniel, saying that people wanted to take some photos with it. Meanwhile, I was a sticky, sweet mess of Red Bull and champagne with a finally leveled head. Even if it was a tipsy and unreserved head, at least it wasn't getting any worse. Nothing a shower couldn't fix. Yet, everyone was buzzing with the adrenaline of a win. Everyone wanted pictures with me and the trophy it seems. Not that I could blame them, this is something you can tell your grandchildren about.

When I finally had a moment, I stumbled to the back of the garage where Daniel was seated on a stool with his phone in his hand.

"Why are you hiding birthday boy?" He flipped his phone to be facedown against the workbox's top before staring up at me. His chin was resting on his closed fist as his elbow was braced against the edge of the work box, with his left hand now flat against his left thigh as he stared up at me.

"Not hiding, just letting everyone get their celebration time in. I'm more than happy to share my day with someone that won their first race."

A closed lipped smile came to his face as he stared up at me. My eyes drifted down though to where his undershirt was wet and sticking to his skin. The liquid of a win coating the fabric generously and showing every single ridge and outline of his torso in front of me. The upper part of his suit was tied around his waist, something he did not long after getting out of his car I was sure. Right now, I wanted to reach out and hold him close, to comfort him on his loss despite him being such a good sport and supporting me right now.

"My eyes are up here darling."

My eyes shot back up to his, a blush spreading across my cheeks as I realized I had been caught staring. This wasn't necessarily new, but with my mind foggy at best and the adrenaline of a win coursing through my veins I recovered with a smirk. I leaned against the workbox and gave him another once over before coming back to his face.

"No, I think I'm allowed to look whenever I want. Since I can't touch at least."

His eyes darted out around us, checking to make sure no one was in ear shot and trusting that I had his back in looking behind him. When he looked back at me calmly, I assumed that meant that we weren't in anyone's sight. That was my chance, standing up a bit straighter as I sighed.

"Plus, I'm jealous. It's fucking hot in this thing and I don't get the luxury of taking my shirt off in public." I shifted, feigning the uncomfortable feeling of warmth as I pulled on the collar of my suit.

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