"It's nice to finally meet you, Bo-gum's fiancé. You're gorgeous," Hale complimented and Lisa smiled warmly.

"Thank you. So are you,"

{End of quick flashback}


"Jagiya, are you okay?" Eun Woo asked and Jennie just nodded.

"Yes, I am. Don't worry about me," She lied.

"Are you sure?"

"Definitely sure. Please don't worry about me," She affirmed.

"Okay uhm, if you say so." He pursed his lips and looks worriedly at Jennie sitting uncomfortably.

It was a lunch mostly filled with thin silence, Jennie didn't finish her meal and only ate a portion. She seems to lose her appetite.

Does time heals or it only endures?

Jennie didn't drive directly to her office, she swerve her steering wheel and took a detour.

She hit the brakes when she arrived to the place she used to go to even if she was under therapy before. It's Lisa's old small house, the one she used to lived in. Her heart aches of the memory, it was the memories that keeps haunting her and it was being left behind that caused her breakdowns, doesn't know how and what to react when she sees Lisa face to face. 'It hurts' she says. If it's painful then why do we keep coming back to the same pain?

The pain that struck her again is the kind of pain that doesn't make her cry - not anymore, but it only made her heart race rapidly that much of the beat it becomes painful.

A motorcycle parked in front of the house and the rider is dressed in a complete gear. Jennie moved herself from her seat and leaned unto the car window to check who the rider is.

It's Lisa without Park Bo-gum, just Lisa. Jennie gripped the steering wheel hardly upon seeing Lisa's face when the helmet was removed.

'Is she coming here for good?' Jennie thought to herself, thinking of possible heartaches she's going to experience when she's going to encounter Lisa again. She didn't know what to react, all she knows is that seeing her past lover kills her, albeit, she knows that already.

Lisa felt watched and glanced over the car's direction. She squinted her eyes and try to overlook who's behind the driver's seat, but due to the heavy tint of the car's window, the driver's identity is unknown.

As Lisa had grown some trust issues, she bravely walk towards the car and to some point the car drove away the moment she's a meter away. Instinct wise, she rush to her motorcycle, started the engine, dropped her helmet on the floor, and followed the mysterious car.

Jennie stepped on the accelerator harder as her eyes kept on glancing at the side mirror to see if Lisa has kept up. She swerved to the left to lose the car in Lisa's sight. The car's speed descended as there are people around the street she drives into, being prudent to avoid accidents.

She heard the roar of the motorcycle behind her and Lisa tapped on her left ear and growled when she realized she's not wearing a helmet as she accidentally dropped it. Her helmet with a bluetooth device connected to her phone is essential for her side mission to quick dial her best friend Bam; it's her tool to communicate while in mobility.

Jennie on the other hand, finally came out from the crowded street and sped up as fast as she can, not knowing which side of the road she's in right now.

Lisa is trying her best to keep up safely while remembering the car's plate number. She keeps reciting it in order not to forget.

The motorcycle is now a meter apart from the car. Lisa is doing her best possible way to catch on the car she thought that is mysterious and up to something evil.

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