Unplanned Escape

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Jennie walked weakly towards the other room where Min-a was held captive.

"Oh, Jennie. You're sick. Why did you get up?" The man in black suit asked her with concern in his voice.

There are only two bodyguards guarding the room where people are mostly killed - the man in gray and the other man in black suit. While one bodyguard in no suit and just a plain black shirt and pants guarding the room where most people's organs are extracted for business.

"I need to go to the bathroom. Can you help me?" Jennie pleaded to the man in black suit.

"O-okay. Come,"

The door stood ajar in the room where Min-a is. Pranpriya noticed Jennie, took a glance at her.

Jennie gave signal at Pranpriya as a sort of help.

The man guided the sick little girl towards the comfort room. Little Jennie trudging but managed to stay strong amidst the hardcore situation. The one bodyguard in a gray suit is still inside the room keeping an eye on Min-a and Pranpriya.

'Trust Jennie,' little Pranpriya remembered what Min-a wrote on the letter.

The comfort room has a padlock and the man in black suit unlocked it.

"I'm too weak, Oppa. Can you get inside and assist me?" little Jennie said in plea.

The man in black suit blushed from the little girl's request, went inside with Jennie, and placed the padlock above the table sink. He turned his back so he cannot see little Jennie taking a piss.

The door is set in auto-lock, it will only be opened outwards but Jennie immediately grabbed the padlock and rushed outside the door and closed it. Leaving the man in black suit inside. Jennie knew he got the keys in him as she has been studying the place for 5 days, thinking of an escape plan for Min-a and Pranpriya.

She got the man's phone as well while he helped her walk towards the comfort room earlier.

'One man down,' Jennie thought to herself.

The good thing about the rooms is that it's soundproof. The screams of the man in black suit thats was locked-in will remain unheard.

Jennie ran towards the room where Min-a and Pranpiya were.

One man is still keeping an eye on them while Min-a and Pranpiya are talking.

Min-a is very weak. Another day of starving herself will surely kill her.

"You got to run, trust Jennie. She knows the way, you have to go with her, okay?" Min-a said to Pranpriya.

"Oppa, when will uncle Jeon come here?" Little Jennie asked the man in gray suit and it got him distracted from guarding Min-a and Pranpriya.

Pranpriya immediately started untying the ropes on Min-a's without trying to get caught.

"Hmm, he will be here next week, why do you ask? I thought you knew?" The man in gray suit wondered.

"My fever must've made me forgot about it, Oppa," Jennie said and grabbed the man's hand, placing it on her forehead.

"Oh my god, Jennie! Your fever is no joke! Why are you not resting? Where's Park?" He pulled his hand back from the little girl's forehead. The man in gray suit asked about his comrade in black suit's whereabouts.

"He's pooping," Jennie lied.

"What? And he left you?" He exclaimed. "The boss is gonna kill us if something bad will happen to you," the man in gray suit said with concern in his voice.

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