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I've just moved countries so that's why the late updates 🙃

After weeks of procrastinating and pondering, Jihye finally decided to go snooping around the mansion, for real this time

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After weeks of procrastinating and pondering, Jihye finally decided to go snooping around the mansion, for real this time.

She hoped to find something useful and relevant to gather information and figure out Jihoons evil scheme.

She figured it would be best to do it in the early morning as it was the time the brothers would most likely be sleeping.

So one early morning, she found herself roaming and snooping around in various places from cupboards to drawers, to even small and unsuspicious areas such as behind paintings and under furniture.

Hours had passed and she was still unsuccessful. She hadn't found anything and was getting tired so she decided to take a break.

Jihye turned a corner only to be faced with an unfamiliar door. This confused her since it was just when she thought she found every room in the house.

But as usual, curiosity got the best of her and she entered this unknown room without hesitation.

Her eyebrows furrowed, the room was no different to any other, but at least it was another room for her to search.

She rummaged around, looking everywhere for something, anything useful, but as suspected, she found nothing.

Slumping on an armchair, she let out a sigh, placing her head in her hands when something caught her eye. A tiny opening was evident in one of the floorboards.

She looked at it confused before getting up and striding towards it.

A small piece of parchment came into view as she lifted the wooden board, looking intentionally hidden.

Without even looking at it, Jihye quickly grabbed the paper, put the wooden board back in its place and rushed off.

After the situation with Renjun, she didn't want anyone to see her with something suspicious.

But luck wasn't on her side when she turned a corner only to crash into something hard.

Dammit, Jihye not again.

She cursed at herself while anticipating her fall but it never came, instead, she was yanked back by her arm, preventing her from falling.

Faster than the speed of light, she instinctively hid the paper in her pocket and fixed her posture before turning to face the obvious human, but was met with the dark chocolate orbs of Donghyuck, making her own widen.

"Are you blind or just careless? cause all you seem to do is crash into things." He deadpanned.

"I uh- didn't see you" she was internally panicking, not just because of the paper she was hiding, but Donghyuck himself made her panic, or more so nervous. She couldn't tell which one it was.

"So blind then." He scoffed "Why are you always running around like a deranged monkey anyway?"

"Deranged monkey? Aren't you one to talk?"

"Oh yeah? Care to explain why?"

"You're just- you- ughh." Donghyuck stared at the girl, amused at her failed attempt of a comeback

"See" he states, a sly smirk plastered on his face.

"Shut up"


"Donghyuck, shut up or I'll-"

"You'll what Crystal?" He interrupted her.

"I'll- wait- what did you just call me?"



"Because luna, aka the moon, is like a crystal." He shrugged. Her heartbeat quickened and Butterflies erupted in her stomach at this new nickname. She felt a fuzzy, yet warm feeling inside.

She stared at him for a few moments and it was as if just then, she noticed how pretty he was. She also noticed that he'd grown more tolerant of her these past months.

It was then he realised that maybe she had gotten somewhere with him. He loathed and couldn't stand her at first and now he's giving her nicknames? You can't say that's not an improvement.

She was so lost in thought that she didn't notice that she was still staring at him.

Donghyuck on the other hand, stared back at her, admiring her features and his eyes softened for a split second until he broke eye contact and walked away without another word.

She remained standing in her spot, staring at nothing as she replayed the previous scene in her head.

What is happening?

A few seconds later, she snapped out of her trance, remembering the piece of paper she found, before hurrying back to her room, cautiously this time.

As she slumped on her bed, Jihye pondered for a moment before finally examining the piece of parchment in her palms.

It was a letter. It looked very old and was scribbled on with barely readable handwriting. She furrowed her eyebrows when she saw who it was addressed.

It was addressed to Jaemin.

It was addressed to Jaemin

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