Ch. 2 : Confession

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"Oh her? She's gone right now but why do you have an imp stuffed toy? It looks out of place with all the other toys."

"Oh it's been with me the longest and imps are quite interesting! Yesterday I played with one! But father got angry after he left but I'm not sure why..."

"That must suck are you ok? You seem a bit sad. Also, I apologize for my language I tend to use slang when I'm with Goetia my age"

"I-it fine! Just I would have appreciated if the imp Blitzo would have stayed."

"What type of imp is he? And you know you could have kept him as a p- I mean friend!" Piper answers correcting herself from saying pet like her mother and father.

"A clown he's very entertaining he made a worm horse OH also did you know that horses' legs stop working if they eat too much sugar?"

"Really? That's interesting I remember Stella giving her horse- oh that might explain why it sits most of the time..." Piper answers face palming herself.

Both of the Goetia start to giggle as Stolas continues to spill out facts he learned from books.

-4 year's later (they are all 15)-

"Mother, did you know that horses after they are born learn to walk in less than a day?" Piper asks as she was read from a book that was borrowed from a friend.

"Really? That's so interesting Dear. Also, don't forget the party we're hosting later don't forget that and your flute lessons tomorrow."

"Oh yes, I almost forget haha may I be excused? I have plans with our fellow Goetia Stolas."

"Yes you may but come back in an hour you must then start to get ready."

"I will! Thanks, mother goodbye!" Piper answers as she runs through the halls and flying over some of the staff and heading to the garden.

"Hello, Stolas!" Piper answers as she jumps from the stairs.

"Hello, Pip- ack!" Stolas answers as he was knocked to the ground and Piper on top.

"It's been such a long time how have you been?" Piper asks as she helps Stolas get up.

"Very good I guess. Stella is a pain though..."

"Did you know that horses learn how to walk in less than a day and for babies it takes almost a year??" Piper asks excitedly.

"Yes, I know! I read it! I gave you the book remember?"

"Oh right silly me! " Piper says face-palming herself.

"Anyways let's go to my room! I have many books I would like to share with you!"

"Alright, just calm down haha!" Stolas answers.

-10 minutes later-

"That's mostly it also there's a thing called comics? I heard that they are from the living world I heard a few sinners talking about them!"

"That's so interesting! " Stolas answers. When he sees that Piper got a bit nervous.

"Hey, are you alright?" Stolas asks.

"Oh yes, just I have a thing to confess..."

"Go ahead I won't judge!"

"I think I might have an attraction to you. I know it's wrong since you are already engaged. But you always make me so excited!"

"Oh. Well, I have something to say as well I don't care for women. I still find girls pretty but the attraction isn't there. Even though I would prefer for you to be my future wife but I only see you more as a friend. I am flattered but I hope we can still be friends"

"It's fine! I understand and we still have to play our part as Goetia! I apologize if I made this awkward. " Piper answers as she covers her face from embarrassment yet still giggles.

"No problem! And please don't be upset!"

"Oh, I'm not I am just a little embarrassed if I have to be honest haha" While Stolas hugs her to make her feel better.

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