Chapter 1

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The crowd gathered behind the shiny police tape parted for Detective Sebastian Randers as he stormed towards the building surrounded by police officers. No one would blame the cautious crowd as the six foot five man with a thunderous scowl on his strikingly handsome face that darkened his good looks clearly moved towards them with no intent of stopping, giving off the impression of those devilishly handsome villains you'd only be able to imagine in novels with with his long black hair packed into a man bun making his baby blue eyes look sharper as they appeared to glisten in the mid-day sun,high cheekbones with a straight nose and stubbled chiseled jaw currently clenched, his muscular frame radiating anger as he shrugged on a suit jacket to protect against the cold air while walking briskly.

As the imposing man got to the front of the crowd and attempted to duck under the police tape,the officer on the other side of the tape looked up at the taller man and visibly gulped.

"Sorry, this is a crime scene sir. I can't let you in." The police man said, although he prayed that this man didn't cause a scene as he was obviously not someone to be messed, looking at his perfectly tailored blue suit, black dress shirt and shoes, he definitely belonged to the higher classed citizens which resided in the area of the crime, maybe even a resident of the building of the crime...or so the bald officer assumed.

Sebastian Randers sighed deeply while cursing the Chief in his mind as he plastered a smile on his face, clearing the dark look from his eyes, completely transforming him from devilishly handsome novel villain to a ridiculously handsome movie billionaire.

He lifted the left side of his suit jacket revealing his badge clipped onto his belt and introduced himself. "Detective Sebastian Randers. I'm from the F.B.I." He rumbled in a smooth baritone, his deep voice pleasing to the ears.

The cop's eye widened as he heard and quickly undid the tape for the detective to pass before closing it back. They shook hands as he lead the detective to the entrance of the building and into an elevator.

"Your partner is already here,detective. " the cop said as they reached the penthouse of the High building. They stood at the open doorway. "He will fill you in on all the details sir." The cop walked off.

Detective Sebastian walked into the house, the beauty of the home untouched by the violence of what happened in it, if not for the terrible smell breaking the illusion. The ceiling high in the home, a gold chandelier dangled freely, matching the decor of the rest of the living room with the classic white and gold furniture occupying the large space. Family portraits hung on the walls,a family of four— a father,mother and two children,a boy and a girl, twins by the look of it— stared blankly in the picture, not a smile adorned a single one of their faces.

Sebastian wondered up the stairs in search of the voices he heard and walked into the master bedroom, the room neat and tidy, if one hadn't looked towards the bed, they would never have noticed the body on the floor by the perfectly made bed covered by a white sheet.

The room looked as though the owner had hurriedly arranged it before leaving the room for work, no single hint of violence or a struggle, the atmosphere peaceful and undisturbed.

"Randers!" A voice yelled from further into the room, Sebastian walked into the bathroom and looked at his partner for the past two months since his old one and friend retired. Paul Davies, a rookie detective who joined the agency and was immediately assigned to be partners with newly solo detective Sebastian Randers.

Sebastian didn't particularly hate Paul but got along with him well enough to ignore his slight annoying attitude resulting from the rookie's overzealous need to prove himself, as Sebastian knew he wasn't much different when he first joined the agency over a year ago where he quickly made a name for himself so he cut Paul some slack. Not to mention the guy's kinda funny, he was growing on him.

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