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Back again ;)

You woke up in a bed covered in two blankets with one over you and one kicked off to the corner of the queen sized bed. You looked around and saw concrete walls and flooring with a table set with chairs and a nightstand with a lamp and a book. You tried to turn the lamp on but the sound of a chain stopped you. "Where am I." You thought. Was this a prank? A dream? More like a nightmare. You tugged on the chain from your wrist to the floor to the ceiling, skinny, metal pillar. You looked forward and saw a staircase leading to what you think is a door. "Am I in a basement? Whose again..?" The past events replayed in your head. "AM I IN WILBUR'S BASEMENT?!"

"That you are my love!" You looked towards the stairs to see Wilbur walking down the stairs, making a creak as he stepped down to his beloved. He wore a button down with a sweater and ripped black jeans to match. You pressed yourself against the wall pushing the blanket off. "How was your rest my dear?" You looked back at him with crazed eyes. "Why did you kidnap me." He looked at you with a frown and looked genuinely sad for you, but you knew he didn't. "Well.. my beloved. I just wanted to be closer to you and wanted to tell you s-something." He said shyly. He walked over to you and a foot away from you picking his nails.

You raised an eyebrow looking at him tilting your head slightly. He looked at you blushing with his nose tinted red. "Well I- Uhm-.." He said stuttering his face getting redder and redder. You put a hand on his shoulder and make eye contact with him. "Wilbur, are you okay..?" Did he kidnap you? Maybe but did his feelings not matter? No. Plus he was saying why you're here, so. He placed a hand on your jaw and the other on your waist. You took your hand off his shoulder looking down at his hand massaging your waist. You looked up to him practically having hearts as pupils. "I've been dreaming of this for a while." Looking down at you. "The reason why you're here is because I wanna be your boyfriend!" He said pulling you into a hug excited. "We could go walk in parks holding hands and have a picnic, we could cuddle and listen to music-"

He went on and on about all the cute couple things you two could do until you pushed him lightly away. "Wilbur what the hell are you talking about? You kidnapped me and now you're making me be your partner?!" He gave you a confused and shocked look. "How do I know if I can even trust you-?" "But you can! I'll be the best boyfriend you could ask for! I'll comfort you and give you affection, and I'll heal you from any injuries!" You stared at him then looked to the side as if you were thinking about it. He then proceeded to pull you into a hug and hold tight. "I love you darling. I would never dream of hurting you."

You sat there shocked but eventually put your arms around him. "I'd kill for you." What-. So much for a sweet moment. He pulled you into his lap again and held you as you felt his chest going up and down. You thought about it again. *Wouldn't he just find me again? I mean he is charming and has a good fashion taste. But I don't think I'll be able to trust him head on. He'll have to prove it.* "I guess... I could be your-" "YAY!!" He fell on his back covering you with his arms and legs squeezing you. You giggled and he joined in. "W-What are you- doing?" You laugh between words. It fell into a soft quiet of you laying on top of Wilbur.

You eventually fell asleep and Wilbur tucked you into the bed, kissing your cheek. He gave you a pillow to cuddle because he needed to record today. Will hoped not to wake your beautiful self up. You were finally his and you'll never leave.


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