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squinting a bit as i let my arms wrap even more around janes nude body under the white sheets, i stayed very still keeping my eyes towards her window without blinking. as if i was immobile.

her hair spread across my chest as it gave me a slight smell of her strawberry shampoo all around near my nose.

it was the next day already.

i had stayed the whole night with her.

with jane.

calls and texts from amber surfaced back towards my phone a few hours ago earning me to bite my lip and turn my phone off. trying my best to not let the guilt finally eat me alive.

i had just slept with jane. someone who wasn't my own wife. the person i had said my vows to and had a child with. a person from my past.

i sigh feeling as if bricks were stacking up on my shoulders as i look down feeling jane twist in her sleep to now have her head facing my chest and her fingers interlock with the band of my pants.

no matter how much i wanted to be here with her right now i had to go to amber. to chloe. to my family.

even if that means leaving with a heart full of ache and a hurting head.


"dom..." i mutter throwing my hand up towards my side only for it to fall onto the sheets making my eyes open wide to find myself clear.

he wasn't beside me.

"dominic?" memories of last night flashed in my mind. the kiss, his touch and the amazing fulfilling sex we've ever had. that felt like love. it felt as if he wanted to say he loved me in a different way. something deeper and stronger.

sitting myself up ignoring the fact that the sheet that was over my bare chest had now fallen towards my lap leaving me exposed, i look around.

it looked empty.

it normally does but now it was... more existent.

letting my hand brush back my mess of a hair i had, i look over towards my night stand to see a small slip near my phone catching me off guard.

as i pick it up unfolding it in my hands a few cursive lettering came to view onto the ripped piece of paper now.

see you sooner than what you will expect.
mi mariposita. :)

feeling a smile begin to form on my lips i shut the paper back in my palm before tracing my cuticle over the edge carefully and nearing it towards my heart.

god damn russo what are you doing to me.


shutting the front door carefully making sure not to wake anyone up i breath out what felt like the most held up air in my life.

before i had the chance to place my jacket onto the hanger i hear a few clicking sounds making me internally cuss at the noise knowing what it was.

or better say WHO it was.

turning around i'm instantly faced with amber who looked as if she hadn't slept at all. blonde hair tangled into her messy braid thrown back over her shoulder.

my dress shirt on her with leggings and mismatched socks. her arms were both crossed over her chest as her gaze on mines seemed rough and stern.

"amber—" cutting me off, she raises her brows before tapping her foot down towards the ground.
"where the hell were you at last night dominic" she blurts looking at me from her side as i rub my forearm and sigh.

"listen we have to talk.." "then talk. i'm all ears now dom." her voice becomes a soft whisper by the end of her words as i stand up even straighter. "in the living room... we have to sit."

i can sense her nervousness start to grow even more as she nods quietly now turning around letting me see her wedding ring on.

looking down i felt as if a hole formed into my chest as i didn't see mines on. no silver diamonds on my finger. yet the feeling of the little circle tightening around my pants pockets made me fight the urge to throw it away by how uncomfortable and tight it felt on me no matter where it was.

just it touching me right now made me uneasy.

made me feel anxious.

made it feel so wrong to have it now.

seeing amber cross her legs together now looking at me i sit down making sure i was a bit further away from her. "why aren't you closer" i kept it quiet at her question as i look into her eyes.

the eyes of the woman i fell for. the woman i loved. the one i married and the one that gave birth to my beautiful baby girl.

"i'm sorry." i muttered. "i'm sorry amber i really am sorry" i repeated earning a confused look come from her. i see from below her finger playing with the wedding ring side to side as she shakes her head.

"dom what's going on—" "i can't be with you anymore." i blurt out making amber quiet. her shoulders hunch down as it looked like the shiny sparkle that was in her eyes had left in an instant.


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