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She was always that girl in school that got picked on. Since 2nd grade, people have neglected her, bullied her, and laughed at her.
Now in high school, she is almost positive that she can handle no more.
Her mother's necklace rests in her palm. She slowly puts it on over her neck.
Her hands shake and sobs escape her lips.
She looks down at the sharp rocks sticking out of the ocean below. She's standing by the ledge of a bridge.
People drive by and don't take notice of her. They don't care. No one does.
Her mother's necklace lays between the valley of her breasts, right near her heart.
Her hands grip the ledge and she takes a deep breath.
She's done with the world.
She slowly raises a leg and pulls herself over the ledge, standing on the other side.
Words echo through her brain. Mean words that hit her like bullets everyday. She couldn't stop them.
She draws in a deep breath and let's go of the ledge.
Her body falls back. The air leaves her lungs. She gasps as she starts to fall.
Then strong arms wrap around her and she's hanging in mid air.
Sobs rack her body. She screams and cries, not being able to breathe. She wanted to die.
She's pulled over the edge of the bridge and back onto the side of the road.
Her eyes stay locked on the pair of hands clasped around her front, the person hugging her from behind.
"Shh," The person whispers, rocking her gently. She buries her head in the stranger's arms.
"Why did you save me?" She asks at last. The person lays back on the ground, it had rained, it's cold.
"You don't deserve to die," He says.
You're gone, you're dead, there is nothing you could do.
The words echo in her mind. She wanted that to be her. To be gone, dead.
"I wanted to die," She whispers.
The stranger traces the scars on her wrists. His touch soothes her and she melts into his body.
"Dying is not a good thing," He says, hugging her tightly.
"Who are you?" She asks.

She -in editing-Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon