006 | sunkissed

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Jimin watches, his whole body shaking

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Jimin watches, his whole body shaking. Part of him is repulsed, but another part, somewhere deep inside. He wants to join and have a taste for himself. Jimin's skin is on fire, burning the air around him, scantily clad.

Jungkook drinks in two mouthfuls before he taps against Yoongi's arm. He's had enough. Yoongi pulls away, licking at his wound until it partially seals over. A drop escapes, sliding down his pale forearm, the red cutting the white.

He is what he is.

Yoongi sits on Jungkook's hips, gorgeous porcelain thighs straddling the human. The vampire is so beautiful, and in the same breath, completely terrifying. What manner of creature is this? Who would make someone so perfect, indestructible, and yet, fragile and soft?

Jimin stands there in awe, a terrible weight crushing his chest. That's when Yoongi's sapphire gaze lands on him. They connect, sharing quick shallow breaths. And then Yoongi holds out his bleeding hand, offering it to Jimin.

It's tempting.

It's like enticing a man dying in the desert with a drink of water.

Jimin's instinct runs through him like a current, and it takes everything for him to turn away.


Yoongi licks at his arm, cleaning it up. His accelerated healing takes care of the rest. All the evidence is gone in a matter of seconds, pucked pink skin already turning clear. Jimin's in the farthest corner of the room, eyes wide, chest heaving.

"That was so gross," Jungkook sighs. But even as he says, he licks his lips, drinking up the last drops on his stained mouth. "H-How long does it take to work?"

It's already working. Jungkook looks a lot better, his complexion returning to normal. Gradually, his breathing becomes easier.

Yoongi slides off him, sitting back in the corner. He leans against the wall, breathing deeply, his mouth agape. "S-Soon."

Jungkook takes a few deep breaths, stronger each time. His lungs are clearing. "Oh my god. That's amazing. My nose isn't stuffy anymore." His eyes flutter open, and he pulls himself up. "My stomach doesn't hurt anymore— this is fucking awesome."

The tension in the room is thick. Jungkook's the only one immune to it. But vampires and blood, it's always been a love-hate relationship. Feeding, intoxication, heat, all the urges rip forward. The mask fails and the immortal part of Jimin's DNA claws at his insides.

"Hey." Jungkook finally realizes. "What's the matter? Hyung?"

The vampires are flat against opposite walls, jaws tense. They stare at each other before their gazes shoot to the floor. Jimin struggles to get a grip on himself, pulling back the animal. Yoongi's going through the same ordeal, taking shaky breaths.

"Is everything okay?" Jungkook's soft voice breaks through the din; he reaches out for them. His expression is filled with concerned confusion. "Yoongi-hyung, did I hurt you? I'm so sorry. Are you okay? Did I suck too hard?"

✓ elysian | yoongi x jimin x jungkookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora