Chapter 36: A small hope

Start from the beginning

"This is the key to the basement cells, the place where many dangerous vampires are tightly locked away. When you got there, turn left and walk all the way to the end. The vampire there will have the answer you need. Once you're done, return the key back to me."

Narrowing his eyes on Shinso, Katsuki asked, "How the hell did you manage to get your hands on the key that only the higher ups have access to?"

"You don't need to know." Shinso said as he hands over the key to Katsuki. At the same time, he also passes over a paper bag to him. "Also, give this to that vampire. It will definitely help you out."

Out of curious, Katsuki opens the paper bag to take a peek on what's inside the bag. And he was stunned when he sees that it was a freaking game about surviving the zombie apocalypse.

"How the fuck is this supposed to help me?"

"You'll find out when you meet that vampire. He's... a rather odd one."

"...You have my thanks." Katsuki said as he walked pass Shinso, shutting the door behind him as he makes his way down to the basement cells.

Standing there with a stunned expression, Shinso was at loss for words. He never thought that Bakugou Katsuki, of all people, would openly thank him. In fact, he can swear that he has never heard the blond thanked anyone before.

Katsuki has changed, even if it's only a little. Maybe this is all thanks to Izuku.

Ever since Izuku's arrival, this place has changed a lot. Hunters are opening their eyes to the fact that there are nice (but naive) vampires like Izuku. The hate that the hunters hold deep inside their heart has been reduced.

Thinking about it, Shinso wasn't even that close to Izuku to begin with. There's no need for him to do such a risky thing as using his ability on a higher up to get the key. The reason why Shinso did such thing is... well, because Izuku's a nice guy. And nice guy doesn't deserve to be hurt or suffer. That's all to it.


Deep down in the basement cells, Katsuki can hear the growls from the vampires that's locked up. Some of them sounds like they are starving while some sounds like they are dying to break out of their cells and kill every single human in sight.

Following Shinso's instruction, Katsuki head left and walk all the way to the end of the hallway.

Locked away at the very last cell at the end... is a vampire who can help Katsuki to find Izuku. He has no idea what kind of personality this vampire has, but one thing he knew for sure is that most vampires would never help someone without getting some kind of a payment in return.

Still, how the fuck is a freaking game supposed to help him out?

When Katsuki reaches the last cell, the sight that greeted him has left him speechless. Katsuki thought that he would find a vampire with his hands and feet chained up, just like how hunters usually deal with highly dangerous vampires. But no, this vampire is rather... free.

Not only the vampire wasn't chained up, he was sitting on the sofa, playing games on a console. Even though this is a cell, it doesn't look like one at all. The room is brightly lighted and is nicely decorated with things like desk, chair, computer, sofa with soft cushions, shelves full of manga and many other game consoles. This vampire is clearly living his best life in there!

Knowing that someone is here to see him, the brown-haired vampire looks up, staring at Katsuki with his red eyes. "Oh? Now this is certainly unexpected. To think that my visitor this time isn't one of the higher ups."

Pausing the game and putting the console down, the vampire makes his way over to the bars that keeping him locked inside the cell.

"There's no way the higher ups would let a mere hunter down here. Let me guess, did you steal the key? Or..." he trailed off as he narrowed his eyes on Katsuki, studying the blond's expression and body language. When he found the answer to his own question after observing for a while, he grinned like a sly fox. "Is Shinso the one who got the key for you?"

The night is darkest just before dawn (BakuDeku!Vampire AU)Where stories live. Discover now