What a devil...

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It was in the morning at 0400 that Izuku came to the princesses to wake these sleeping beauties up. To his surprise they were all up and awaiting him with a screaming "Good morning, Sir!". Izuku couldn't hide the smile he had when he saw what he managed to do.

Izuku: Morning princesses. You ready for today?

Class 1a: Yes sir!

Izuku: Good. Get breakfast and then start planning. You have 3 hours time to get up with a plan to defeat me and Bakugo over there.

Katsuki(waving): Hi sir~!

Izuku: What a horny Pomeranian he is. Get yourself a damn cold shower if you need one.

Katsuki: How rude! I'm not horny, I just like annoying you.(offended)

Izuku (cheshire smile): Too bad that you only will get yourself in trouble now up in my office with you. I'll show you what it means to have some respect!

Katsuki(smirking): Yes sir~!

Jirou(whispering): See my point?

Everyone else: Yeah.

It was after class 1A was left on their own and Katsuki and Izuku both enjoying some time in a let's say sound proof room, it was finally time to meet Nezu and Aizawa. Of course Izuku refused at first since he wasn't finished having fun with a certain Dandelion and giving him the pleasure of his life in a short periode of time, still he had to and so he left Bakugo after the Pomeranian came to his highest point and landed on cloud 9 a couple of times.

Izuku: Ah Nezu, Aizawa. Nice to meet the two heroes, I always admired the most. I am Izuku Midoriya code name Usagi. I got chosen to be with your class and you will be surprised about how they are acting now.

Nezu: Is that so? Thank you Usagi-san.

Izuku: Yes. You will see a training exercise shortly which will show them not to mess with a strategist.

Aizawa: Did they give you too much trouble tho?

Izuku: Oh quite the contrary. I had my own fair share of fun with them.

Aizawa: And Bakugou?

Izuku: You mean that tame Pomeranian? He doesn't bite once you know how to handle him.

Katsuki: I'm right here y'know, sir~

Izuku: What was that Princess?

Izuku slapped Bakugo over the back of his head so he knew how to behave in front of the heroes since their relationship was still a secret they both wanted to keep for themselves.

Katsuki: Sorry sorry, I'll stop. Jeez, you hit harder than my mom.

Izuku: Wanna have another round? Now stop barking and get the rest to come out.

He did as he was told and went inside the building with a Yes Sir!. Of course this left Nezu as well as Aizawa completely speechless.

Aizawa: Wow, a quiet Bakugou. Thought I'd never see the day.

Izuku: As I said, I have my methods. I am a strategist and quirk analyser after all. I know my way to get them all to behave and be quiet.

Iida: Hello Mr.Aizawa, principal Nezu.

Yuuga: Bonjour!

Izuku: Line up sleeping beauties and give them a proper welcome!

Katsuki: Sir~ I was never a sleeping beauty tho!

Izuku: You damn bastard are a Dandelion and we all know that, now back in the line before I show you the right way around.

Katsuki: Yes sir!

Aizawa: I think I miss the loud Bakugou.

Jirou(Whispering): That's kinda gay...

Izuku: As I said yesterday, you will all have to face me and your classmate who volunteered to be on my side in the northern building. We use that building for training and let me tell you one thing. I never lost a single training exercise. Now show me what you got!

Just like that he let them salut and went past theminto the building with Bakugo. The game was about to begin.

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