They still suffer

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3rd POV:

It's the end of the day, class 1A entered their bunkers to see a sleeping Katsuki. They distinctively remembered him saying he was going to help them as soon as he could. Well he didn't!

Kirishima: What the hell bro?!

Katsuki was startled awake and glared silently at the redhead.

Katsuki: What?

Denki: You said you'd help us as soon as you got the chance! And you're in here sleeping?!

Mina: He's got a point, what did that commander need you for anyways?

Uraraka: You can't do this! We were working our asses off. Our instructor is a demon! We should prank him!

Katsuki: This is the reason we're here... He wanted me because I'm here for my temper and I'm working on it... You guys are here for your pranks.

Iida; We are a class and should stick together Bakugo.

Jiro: It's not fair.

Too bad that Izuku just came in to check up on them and listened to all this nonesenes.

Izuku: Not fair huh?

Denki: Sir!

Kirishima: Ugh, whatever..

Izuku: You red head, go run another 20 laps. You still don't get it after all.

Kirishima: But I just finished 60!

Izuku: 40 lapses. Do you have anything to say?

Kirishima: Uhhhh, I'm tired?

Izuku: Fine 60 lapses. Anything else cadet?

Kirishima: No sir...

Izuku: Good now run. Everyone else go to bed, I expect you all to be awake at 0400 sharp.

Mina: But sir! We normally get up at 7!

Izuku: 20 laps for you. Go! Anyone else has something to say?

Yuuga: I'm going now, one needs their beauty sleep mon cheri...

Katsuki: Whatever the glitter ball just said.

Izuku: From now on you all will be answering me with Yes Sir or No Sir if you don't get something. No other words are allowed. I've been lenient to you because it is the first day. You have been all warned and if you pull a prank on me, be prepared for the worst. Do you all understand?

Uraraka: Whatever you say S.I.R.

Izuku: You floaty join them 40 laps for you. You have to pay me the respect. I am your supervisor. There is no slacking here.

Uraraka: I'm telling my dad! He'll sue you for making me do this

Izuku: Sure, tell him he will need to sue Japans top strategist, Izuku Midoriya.

Momo: Aren't you- Oh my gosh!

Izuku: Hm?

Momo: I'm so sorry for the way they spoke with you sir!

Izuku: At least someone gets it and now get some rest cadets, I will be here at 0400 sharp seeing you all ready.

That was all Izuku said before he went out of the room, leaving them all alone again.

Mina: Who's that snob?

Momo: He's the youngest strategist for the Japanese military, he was taken in at the age of 10 and was trained specifically for his job. They say he has an SO but no one knows.

Mina: Hey Bakugou, what did you do today?

Jiro: And we get him as a supervisor? Does this make any sense?

Bakugou: None of your business, now let me sleep!

Momo: We should go sleep too. I don't want to know what punishment he is up too.

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