Chapter 2:Part 4

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As that intense battle took place, Vyktoria starts to think.

Vyk:( The way we are, we will end up losing... Even if we somehow win, we will be very tired and they will send more and more demons... These are just the presidents, there are still the counts, marquises, princes, dukes, kings and the Devil himself!... How are we going to finish them all at once?... Wait... That's it! I just need Hughie and Eric's anti-magic!)

Thus, Vyktoria swung her electric ax extremely quickly, cutting off Diagon's heads and throwing Valac with the severed chest and belly towards Haagenti and paralyzing them with electric shocks. Vyk soon teleports onto Eric's back, magnetizing one of Ose's equipment and destroying them.

Vyk: Eric, hand me the Anti-Satan, I have a plan!
Eric: What are you planning to do?!
Vyk: Trust me?!
Eric: I do, but what do you-
Eric: U-Uh... Ok, here.

All that anti-magic liquid metal leaves the hagio-pyrokinetic's body and enters Vyk's body, with her releasing a shock wave that stuns Eric's enemies. She appears in front of Vitmor and grabs Camio's katana, breaking it and then shoving it down his throat, blasting his insides with anti-magic electricity and throwing him into a tower.

Vyk: Hughie, increase my anti-magic as much as you can and fast!
Vit: O-Okay!

He places his hands on her back, then intensifying her magical destroyer power to levels that make her have a great black aura. Hughies finishes after a few seconds, being caught by a bulldozer that pins him to the ground.

Vyk:( Eric, get out of here with the others now!)
Eric:( No... You're not going to do a suicide attack, are you?!)
Vyk:( Please Eric, do this for all of us, it's the only way!)
Eric:( But, but...)
Vyk:( FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, ERIC! DO IT SOON! Not even with this "help" from God we will win, they have an army of very powerful demons and we are only human! We have to at least give the life to be able to win! The world is not perfect, it won't turn out the way you want! So go, get out now!)

Newest starts to tear up, eventually agreeing to do so. He teleports all his allies close to Vyk, who created a portal out of the pentagram and they leave through there, heading to Paratina. The Valkyria takes all the demons to a part practically outside of the Earth and that below was an empty part of the ocean. The presidents of Hell have no way to react, Vyk was already accelerating the electrons of her electricity so they collide and generate positrons and then annihilating all the matter they could, causing a giant explosion of the planet.

 The presidents of Hell have no way to react, Vyk was already accelerating the electrons of her electricity so they collide and generate positrons and then annihilating all the matter they could, causing a giant explosion of the planet

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In that gamma-ray burst, all of the presidents are obliterated by the anti-magic in the photons, with Vyktoria's body gradually falling apart.

Vyk:( What a fucking world, heh... I couldn't even think of a name for him or her... Goodbye.)

The electrokinetic disappears in that light show, with the explosion fading and leaving a huge rift in the planet. It wouldn't be difficult to detect, with Eric soon emerging and putting everything back in place, except for the lost life such as the animals, plants and people who would be sailing there.
The pyrokinetic sees something falling from the sky, which makes it appear there and catch what it was.

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