Part 16

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Rias and her Peerage including Sona and her Peerage with Rossweisse and Irina where staring at a green ocatahedron.

Sona: Where's Issei?

Rias: He wanted to stay in bed, he just got back last night, he's probably still tired.

They saw that the pyramid changes colors.

Rias: The seal won't last much longer.

Sona: Sure won't.


Azazel: Odin's gonna head up back north to retrieve Milijoner, said's will need it in a coming fight. And well it's great Ajuka, teleport-ed Loki out of our hair. He'll only be restraint by a day and bet he's gonna be pissed when he get's back here.

Rias: One day? That's it? 

Azazel: Yep, and when that happens we're not gonna have any chose. But to fight him head on, won't be easy either.

Rias: Because of the devil king class member elected to attack Loki, outright could result in another large scale war that wouldn't be good for anybody. It's far to risky.

Azazel: Plus it will play into Loki's hand, he wants to bring about Ragnarok, and the Khaos brigade wants pandemonium. A war like that will further all their goals, being of the end kiddos. Nothing will survive.

Akeno: If Loki, get's out before Milijoner arrives we're screwed.

Rias: Seems that way, yeah. I think we need to go talk to my brother.


Sirzechs: You want to act as a diversion for, Loki? 

Ajuka: I hope you understand that I can only teleport about ten people at once, that's not much. And even with some rest I'll only be able to sent one or two more later. You won't have reinforcements.

Rias: Yes, I'm well aware of the danger involved.

Lady Serafall: That's really sweet, but don't think you're the only volunteer.

A door opens behind her showing Sona, Saji, Tusbaki.

Lady Serafall: Right, Sona?

Rias: You're going?

Sona: The three of us will like to offer our services as well. If that's not a problem.

Lady Serafall: I tried to talk her out of it, but she wouldn't listen. Then again this whole mess with Loki, is kinda our fault to begin with. So, our little sisters being assign with clean up duty shouldn't get any objection. Won't look like we will be playing favorite either.

Azazel: It's not like there's time to object anyway, that said there's two people we've already derided on.

Rias: You've have?

Micheal: Yes, the first one.

Irina was behind Micheal.

Rias: Irina.

Micheal: I have no doubts she will be an assent to you.

Irina: As you wish.

Rossweisse: I will be in attendance as well. For asgard.

Sirzechs: Since we all seem to be in a agreement, prepare yourselves to depart shortly. By as much time as you possible can.

End of flashback.....

Rias: Somethings telling me that we shouldn't left, Issei in bed.

The octahedron rises up and continued to glow, then it disappears and Loki was floating in midair.

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