Part 6

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6 mouths later.

In the Morning Issei woke up to see Rias was beside him naked.

Issei:(Whispering) Better not wake her up.

As he tries it best not to wake her up she did and noticed Issei trying to leave.

Rias: Issei? Where are you going?

Issei: I didn't want to wake up.

Then she pulls him back into the bed and gets on top of him.

Rias: We still got time you wanna a quicky before we go~

Issei: You sure now?

Rias: Why not?

Before they could do anything Asia knocked on the door.

Asia: Issei are you awake? It's time for school.

Rias: Aww!

Issei: Yeah could you give me a sec?

Rias: Asia could you give us a sec me and Issei need to get ready?

Then she opens the door to see a naked Rias in bed with Issei.

Issei: Hey Asia sleep okay?

Rias: Morning.

Issei: It's not what you think!

Asia: Whatever I'm taking off my clothes! I swear I'm not getting left out again!!!

5 minutes later Rias and Asia left Issei in his room but when Issei was about to go his phone ring and when he picked it up a he saw message from an unknown number saying " Hello Issei did you miss me?"

30 minutes later Issei parked his car in the parking lot and him Rias and Asia got out the car and walked to the door of the gates of the school getting look at by students.

Female Student #1: Hyoudou's with the Queen?!

Male Student 1#: Get away from them you bastard!!!

Then Issei gave them the scary eye causing them to run away.

Rias: Issei that wasn't very nice.

Issei: They had it coming!

Rias: Alright we have to go to class anyway.

She kissed him and Asia on there cheek.

After School.

Asia walk in the ORC Building seeing Rias and her Peerage in the club.

Rias: Asia do you know where Issei is?

Asia: He just left he had to meet someone.

Rias: Even though he is a part timer he stills need to show up.

She pulls out her phone and called him.

With Issei.

Issei answered his phone.

Issei: Hello?

Rias:(On the phone) Issei where are you?

Issei: Sorry I just had to meet an old friend.

Rias:(On the Phone) Old friend?

Issei: Yeah a childhood friend.

Rias:(On the Phone) So we'll you be back home?

Issei: Yes I promise.

Rias:(On the Phone) I love you~

Issei: I love you too.

Then he hang up the phone and two girls with white robes walk up to him.

???: Are you ready?

Issei: Yeah.

Then the three of them walked away from where they was.

???: Who where you on the phone with.

Issei: My Girlfriend.

???: A Girlfriend?!

Issei: You seemed surprised Irina.

Irina: I Umm......(Chucked)

???: Where are we going?

Irina: Xenovia don't be rude!

Before Issei could saying anything he saw Rias and her Peerage behind a small tree wearing dumb disguises but they walked pass them.

Irina: Who was-

Issei: Just follow me.

Then they turn to a different direction.

Rias: Do you think he saw us?

Kiba: No these are great disguises.

Asia: Why are there two girls?!

Akeno: We should hurry before-

Issei: What are we looking at?

Rias: We are trying to find out wh-

Then they jumped back when they saw Issei and the two girls behind him.

Rias: How did you-

Issei: 1 You have stupid disguises 2 You hide behind a small tree 3 Why are you of you doing here?

Irina: Devils!

Rias: Exorcists!

Irina and Xenovia take of the white robes and pulled holy swords and Rias and Akeno summons their powers then they charge at each other metal chains wrapped around Akeno and Xenovia and a big red wing wrapped around Rias and before Irina brought her sword down Issei caught it with his Boosted Gear.

Issei: Now I'm gonna let go of you four and do you promise you'll stay calm?

Irina: But Issei these are devils!

Issei: I know but the red one is my Girlfriend.

Irina: Wait What!

Xenovia: That's the Boosted Gear!

Irina: That would only mean? Issei your the-

Issei: Yeah.

Irina: And your not a-

Issei: No.

Irina: But you are a dr-

Issei: Yeah so are all gonna calm down?

Akeno: Fine!

Xenovia: Whatever!

Irina: Alright!

Rias: Okay!

Then the metal chains unwrapped itself from Akeno and Xenovia and wrapped around Issei then he let go of Rias and release his grip from Irina's sword.

Rias: So could you tell us why are you with them!?

Issei: Like I said on the phone I had to meet an old friend.

Irina: How could you be friends wit- Wait Asia!

Asia: Ah-

Irina: Why are you with these devils are you a devil?

Asia: Y-Yes.

Issei: Okay I think we should leave and handle this tomorrow.

Rias: Fine!

Then she pulls his arm and walking away with her Peerage leaving Irina and Xenovia.

At night.

Rias was on Issei's bed with her arms folded.

Issei: Look I'm sorry I didn't know she was an exorcist.

Rias: It's okay because I'm not mad.

Issei: Really?

Rias: No cause I know how your gonna forgive me!

She gets off the bed and opens the door to reveal a naked Asia with a stack of condoms.

Ddrag:(Talking in Issei's mind) I'm gonna leave you three alone.

Issei:(Thinking) DDRAG!!!!!

Rias: This is how your gonna say sorry!

Issei: W-Wait!

Asia: Spread'em!

To Be Continued......

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