Part 10

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All the members of the ORC club members plus Issei where standing outside of a door with chains and a lock attached on it-

Asia: That's where the other bishop is?

Rias: Last night my brother insisted for me to release the seal and allow the bishop to leave this area i'm not sure why but the bishop refuse the offer.

Issei: So this one is a shut in.

Akeno: Such a shame really considering the child used to be the larges owner we had.

Kiba: With special contracts the bishop used an computer to make them.

Xenovia: Which means the power this bishop had must have be fairly dangerous if it needed to be locked away.

Rias lift up her hand at the door creating a red circle with triangles breaking the chains-

Koneko: The seal has been broken.

Rias: Alright let's see how this goes.

Then she opens the door only to here a scream from the room-

RIas: Hello i'm glad to see your looking well.

???: I don't understand what's going on?!

Akeno walked to the casket and opens it-

Akeno: The seal has been broken so your free to come home with us.

When she opens the top of casket it revealed to be a blonde hair boy wearing school girl clothes-

???: No I Don't Wanna Ever Leave Here The Outside Is Too Scary

Issei: It's a.....guy wearing girl's uniforms?

Rias: That is correct, He may look like a girl but he is most differently a little boy.

Akeno: He likes to dress up like a girl.

Then Rias walks to him and hugs him-

Rias: Everyone say hello to Gasper Bloody the other bishop in my household he is a first year student here and before I have the honer to turn him into a devil this little guy is actually half Vampire and half Human.

Asia: What? He's a real vampire?

Issei: Knew it. 

3 minutes later everyone was in the club room with Gasper-

Akeno: Unfortunately Gasper couldn't control his power so Sirzeches decided that he should be sealed away here precautionary measure.

Rias: On top of that his ability's seems to grow stronger unconsciously so there's a  decent possibility it can become a Balance Breaker.

While there weren't looking Gasper hid himself in a box in the corner.

Gasper: I Don't like it when you guys talk about me like i'm not here! Why can't you just ignore that i'm alive like normal?

Asia: How he get there?

Issei: When no one was look he sneak himself into that box to be hidden from everyone.

Gasper: I'm not hiding I just rather be a Gasper in a box and be around you all.

Akeno: Ah Rias I think is about time for us to go.

Rias: Yes you're right if you excuse us Akeno and I must leave to go too a meeting about getting ready for the leader summit Kiba.

Kiba: Yes how may I help?

Rias: My brother said he wants to know more about your Balance Breaker I like for you to join us as long as your free that is.

Kiba: Yes I'm free.

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