2.Beautiful Omega

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In a small house fit for a family of four surrounded by beautiful green trees and warm skies a beautiful lean figure wearing a baby blue hanbok with slightly long blonde hair is seen sneaking out of the back door and running towards another beautiful figure giggling as they make their way toward the forest to go to the river to play.


Wow can't believe I managed to sneak out of the house today with mom in kitchen as I was sure he would see me but I guess he was super busy with baking not taking note of his surroundings.

Me and my best friend Seungmin like to sneak out to go play in the river in the middle of the forest when it's hot so we can cool down our bodies and play because our parents would freak out and start lecturing us about how Alphas would take advantage of us with no one to watch over us.

We make our way to the river and immediately start setting up as we've made this place our little escape

"So Minnie tell me about Heesung did he finally ask you out" I say getting into gossip mode. You see there is a Alpha from the Enhypen clan that likes seungmin and vice versa but obviously Minnie can't do anything as he's an omega with pride so he won't confess first.

"Actually he did yesterday that's why I wanted to talk to you today so you can help me get ready tomorrow for my date " Seungmin says blushing.

"Aww I can't believe you've found someone before me, now I'm going to be a third wheel" I say to him pouting.

"But jinnie you get a lot of confessions from Alphas and beta guys, hell even women confess to you but you always say no"  he says with a valid point.

"but you know I have a high standard due to my dad and most of these confessions aren't genuine Minnie you know most Alphas just want me for my body and beauty "
I say dejected as it's true, both me and seungmin once overheard a Bunch of Alphas betting who would be able to get me first and sleep with me.

"Don't worry Jinnie I'm sure you'll find your knight in shining armor soon and he'll love you how you deserve to be loved" Minnie says smiling at me.

After our little talk we decide to take a dip in the river with just our underwear as we're the only ones here.

Authors Pov

But little did the omegas know that there were eyes watching them from a distance, Jungkook was watching the most beautiful omega he has ever seen swimming naked in the river and he couldn't help but swallow saliva at the alluring sight and blood starting to rush at his lower half.


Have you ever seen someone so beautiful and sexy that you can't help but get hard at the sight,

"Damn " I say looking at the blonde omega getting out of the river with his back on me and I can't help but trace down to his back dimples then black tight shorts that hug his perky ass.

"Lord have mercy" I say to myself completely awestruck by the sight but I have to hold myself, I can't rape an omega because of my desire and this fire inside me isn't a one night stand flame but a flame that wants the little omega to belong to me and serve me only.

I see him and his little friend wearing their clothes and going back through the woods

"Mingi" I call out to my shadow guard

"Yes my prince "

"Those omegas who were swimming just now, who are they? "

"I don't know my prince but they  probably reside around here"

"OK I want you to follow them stealthily, mainly the blonde and find out everything about him and report to me in the evening "

"Yes my Prince" Mingi says and disappears in the direction the beauty went.

"You'll be mine soon"  I say imagining his beautiful face in front of me then I decide to go back to my house and take a cold showers for obvious reasons.

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